Two Point Hospital Tips

The staff management options in this game are surprisingly detailed, so this is a short guide based on my experience with optimising the performance of the staff, in case there's something you may have overlooked.Other Two Point Hospital Guides:.?.DoctorsYou can split doctors into GPs, Treatment and Research.GPs - GPs focus purely on diagnostics, and obviously the GP diagnosis skill if possible. You want to avoid allowing GPs from working in treatment facilities such as the Pandemic room as without sufficient training they are likely to kill patients leading to a drop in reputation as well as loss of income and morale. Generally speaking, training your GPs is a very low priority, as well as their room prestige level, just make sure you have enough of them.Treatment - You want your treatment doctors to have as high as possible skill in treatment as possible, to minimise deaths. As well as the treatment skill itself, there are various other ways to improve this which isn't so obvious. You want to give your treatment doctors high levels of prestige rooms to give them happiness buffs such as 'amazing room' and 'attractive environment'. Because once they reach 80%+ happiness they gain a further 10% to the treatment skill. Further more you can increase this by another 10% by giving them sufficient break time and keeping them 'energized', also helped by supplying them with energy drinks/coffee.

Another important skill is Emotional Intelligence, which can further help you reach that 80% happiness threshold with an additional 10% happiness. Also keep your eye out of other important traits such as 'positive' for another 10% happiness, and it's important to note that each star rank boosts them by a further 10% treatment skill. Above all make it a priority to train your doctors in specialist skills such as psychiatry for a 20% treatment boost. Be sure to uncheck your untrained doctors from working in the treatment rooms and leave the job for the pros.;)Research - It's important to understand that researchers do not receive a research buff from happiness. It is therefore unecessary to provide them with high prestige facilities. You want to instead fill their rooms with as much research buffing equipment as possible, or you are otherwise fine with keeping their facilities to an absolute minimum. It is best to focus all their skils slots into research, right up to level 5.NursesYou can split Nurses into diagnosis and treatmentDiagnosis - Much the same as GP's, set any of these nurses to work in any of the facilites focused on diagnosis, such as general diagnosis and the cardiology.

As long as they are not working on any treatments than their training is at a low priority.Treatment - In certain rooms such as the pharmacy and clown clinic which focus on curing patients, you want to ensure your nurses are maxed out in their treatment skill, just the same as with the treatment doctors. Just make sure that you seperately train your specialist staff with the respective skills, such as in the ward, for maximum efficiency.AssistantsAssistants are relatively simple to manage as their training is a very low priority, simple put, assistants aren't very important, I apologise for any of you real life receptionists out there.One thing you wnat your assistants to be is efficient, as the worst that could happen is to have a long qeue.

Mage knight board game wiki WizKids announced in October 2010 that Mage Knight was being relaunched with a board game, card game, and role-playing game. 2 In February 2013, WizKids announced that it would release Mage Knight: Resurrection, which utilizes its SwitchClix bases to be compatible with both Mage Knight 2.0 and HeroClix rules. Character build thoughts: Playing as Goldyx, I focus on acquiring advanced actions and particularly spells, since I expect to have plenty of mana to power them. Thus mage towers and monasteries are your friends. If you didn't take Glittering Fortune, an influence-generating advanced action might be worthwhile to further this strategy. This Wiki is about 'Mage Knight - The Boardgame' released by WizKids written by Vlaada Chvatil The purpose is to create a knowledgebase that describes at least all the cards. So you can easily check here if you're unsure how to use a specific card.

Two Point Hospital Tips

Mar 18, 2020  Two Point Hospital is out on Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass! Join Brand Director Craig and Community Manager Steggs as their five (vital) tips to. Our Two Point Hospital Beginners Guide will give you some basic tips and tricks that will ensure that you are running a budding hospital in no time. Two Point Hospital Beginners Guide.

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Well I've tested this and basically how it works is that for each rank and each levels of skill in customer service, your assistants will serve customers faster. Their happiness buff also increases customer service by 20%, as well as another 20% from being energises. So if you want to make sure you can handle the qeues with as few receptionists as possible, then give them high quality surroundings and keep them well rested. Also for this reason it also makes sense to give them the emotional intelligence skill.From my experience hospital reputation isn't particularly difficult to increase, so as of yet I feel like it's not effective to focus on the bedside manner trait with any staff, but I will test this further as I could be wrong. Energy training however could be a good choice to ensure you're hiring as few receptionists as possible.There is another buff that assistants receive from happiness which is +%20 in marketing, and as I've just reached the marketing mission, I'll have to test this and see how important this trait is before completing this part of the guide. Who knows, maybe receptionists are more valuable than I've given them credit for.JanitorsThe 2 most important skills for a janitor are the maintenance and speed skills. No other members of staff have to rely so heavily on speed, as janitors need to be in several places at once at all times.

Fortunately there are many ways to buff a janitors speed skills, once of which is being energised. Supply them with a coffee maker in the staff room, or an energy drinks machine and watch them dash around the hospital like a junked up lunatic.

Also look out for the 'motivated' skill for an extra 20% speed. Happiness doesn't boost their speed, however being unhappy reduces it so be sure to keep them satisfied so as they don't mope about.

It can however be a benefit to keep them happy is it gives them a buff to maintenance, particularly for a janitor who's specialised at maintenance tasks.Janitors as well as researchers are the only staff types which don't suffer from negative social traits as they don't interact with patients, so feel free to hire them without repercussions.TeachersAs you might have noticed, hiring guest trainers can be a very expensive ordeal. This is why it is important to establish a 5th class of staff type which isn't made so obvious in the game. You can house your own roster of highly trained teachers to train up swathes of junior doctors for absolutely no cost, save for their wages. For this strategy it then becomes important to make your teachers as efficient as possible in order to see returns, such as buffing the teaching skill. Look out for the training masterclass skill, and train up your teachers themselves in this skill for a massive 50% boost.

Also look out for the Teacher train which gives another 50% teaching speed buff. There are also several items which boost a room's teaching speed such as certain posters and the anatomy/skeleton display, so add these to your class rooms. It's important to note that with this strategy there's a $5k payout for every student who completes a class so with large classrooms this can net a tidy profit, as well as keeping your hospital highly trained.Tips and TricksNot everything is so cut and dry with this game as the systems and mechanics are quite in depth and allow for quite a bit of experimentation. For example you can create treatment or diagnosis doctors and nurses which instead of being specialised are used as on hand staff which can react to different illnesses. With this strategy you want to focus on the speed skill to ensure they can get around the hospital efficently. There are also multiple other very useful traits such as 'cheap' and 'tireless' which can save your money in the long run, so look out for these if you're on a budget.

The romantic trait can occasionally give your staff a happiness boost when they fall 'in love', and a member of staff also receives a happiness buff if they receive a reward, or cure a patient, to name a few. Also if you're using a lot of plants to increase the prestige of your rooms, think about allocating them to staff with the green fingers trait so they can alleviate the massive work load from the janitors by watering their own plants. And lastly, consider placing food and drinks objects for your staff in their rooms so that they can recuperate their hunger/thirst between patients. Although this only works if it's not too busy. Also it's beneficial to keep food and drinks objects within the staff room.

Staff when on their break in the staff room receive a constant happiness and energy gain while inside, so you want to keep them in their for as much time as possible, and not have them spending their break running around the hospital. It is entirely possible to work staff without a staff room by refilling their energy with coffee or energy drinks. This works particularly well with researchers or any staff where happiness is not important. There are however also several items which increase happiness, I've not yet tried this, although this shouldn't be necessary as staff receive a constant happiness gain by working in a high prestige room.

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