Steambot Chronicles Savory

Steambot began as a collective of artists sharing the same values: passion, teamwork, and desire to improve our techniques. In 2006, Steambot officially became an independant studio. Over the years, these values led us to collaborate on numerous AAA games and movies such as TRON Legacy, GODZILLA, X-MEN, DEUS EX 3, etc.

The best 'general' trot frames for exploring dungeons are: Body Large (unless it's Lorimar Cave), Human Legs (L), Throwing Arm, Bow Gun (or Spike Ball), Spike Ball Grill (or Spike Grill S/Max - but at the cost of a few hit points), and any back frame weighing 80. This will give you possibly the most bang for your uroch.The melee arm is indestructable and you will only need to spend uroch on fuel, body repairs, and ammunition on your range weapon. The throwing arm will also let you kill most of the peon enemies in dungeons with one or two throws. Simply pick and bang.

The Spike Ball Grill is good for ram attacks - just make sure it's the last attack you do, or your trot will freeze for two seconds from the impact.For the arena, you will want to modify your trotmobile to have a Trident Arm (UTC), but once you have time to upgrade your trotmobile, you can take a lot of powerful parts and use them in the grueling 'deathmatch' battle mode.For that particular mode, you will want Nora's Gatling Arm, the Excalibur (or Axe Arm), a large body, large legs, a heavy back frame, and heavy windshield. The Gatling Arm pretty much lets you massacred the opposition in 30 seconds or less, giving you almost full repairs. Once you beat Eldar (the 32nd enemy), you can quit and get all three trotmobile fight awards.Fenn RuinsEntrance is at Fort Raven. Enemies here include the rampart trot, driller trot, scrab (lifter) trot, and the bat trot (the mini-boss).

All are susceptible to the Spike Ball, or if you prefer a cheaper method of the Throwing Arm. Two tosses will kill the enemies (except the bat trot) and if you 'hang' the scarab trot in the air by moving your trot under a thrown scarab trot, you can kill it in one throw.The boss in this dungeon is stationary, and you can first person aim the range weapon to hit the top section (the one with the club) and kill it without attacking the other parts.

The water gun on the lowest part is easily out ranged by the Spiked Ball Arm. If you don't want to fight this boss, simply move around it to another exit!. Amethyst (purple). Aquamarine (blue). Diamond (white). Garnet (red)Eurydika MinesEntrance is at Eurydika.

This is actually the toughest dungeon. Enemies here include the rampart trot, driller trot, scrab (lifter) trot, the triclops trot, and the armoured yeti trot (the mini-boss). The main concerns in this dungeon are the triclops and yeti trots. If you want to survive, learn to get up really close to these trots (after killing any other weaker trots that might attack you if you get their attention) and move to your left (the enemy's right) when they try to attack with their club arm.

This will let you get in two cheap hits with the Throwing Arm before you move back in front of them to provoke them into attacking again. Repeat and these brute trots are dead.

Note that being hit by these guys' clubs are bad news for your trot.The boss in this dungeon can be avoided by staying near the walls and not heading into the center. Even if there is an item there, the boss may come down and trap you.

The boss is easy - simply lock-on, move to the side and attack it when it's heading towards your trot. You don't need anything beyond a Throwing Arm to wreck it. Avoiding it is better though.Take the Bow Gun Arm (if you have it). The ammo, power, and range lets you kill two triclops or one armoured yeti if your life is low and you need to get back to the trot mechanic. Opal (green). Topaz (orange). Aquamarine (blue).

Sapphire (blue)Lorimar CaveThe entrance is on Bright Lake, across from MeMe Village. Enemies here include the aqua trot, strider trot, the torpedo turret trot, and the very dangerous octotrot (mini-boss).

The first two are easily destroyed using the throwing arm, but the other two can be fought at range (costly for repairs) or you can dash around and hit them.The main challenge is that you cannot swap out of the waterproof body, which is considerably weaker than the Large Body you're used to. While you can use any other frames you have, the lower weight limit will restrict the weapons you take along. The powered Human legs will allow your trot to outdash the aqua trot's suction attack (so you can grab from the side).The octotrot is one of the few enemies you can smash using the Spike Ball Arm without retaliation (if you're far off enough), so consider using that and staying at a distance. The boss of this dungeon is avoidable, since it is swimming in a single room. Fighting it is not all that hard - after all, it's a trot duck that farts explosives.

Peridot (green, Savory likes). Ruby (red). Emerald (green). Moonstone (yellow)DeathmatchThis mode is unlocked only if you clear the game and fight every trotmobile fighter in the game. The only person you can miss is Coriander. If you do, simply use your cleared file to re-do the Find Coriander sub-quest and save it to a different slot. Once you win the deathmatch plate and unique frames in deathmatch, you cannot lose them (unless you don't save).All 32 trot gladiators are photgraphed below (take note of their trot parts - they tell you how they fight).

Unless noted, all the trotmobile fighters may be found in one of three arenas. You need to fight in all the matches from morning to night time (and at each arena), if you want to make sure you meet them all.The above fighter has a rank, but he only appears if you attempt to steal potatoes (while mounted) at the Egret Brook potato farm.This version of Great Sailing is different from the tutorial variant - it's much, much easier to destroy since it doesn't have good ranged weapons.This version of Boss Elephant is different than the piss-ant trotmobile you fight in the beginning of the game. Don't say IGN didn't warn you.Note - Schneider is crazy hard. If you don't use a Trident Arm (at the very least during the UTC event), you will probably lose very quickly. The better alternative is the Gatling Arm, once you earn it from Nora.Dudley's only tough if you lack good weapons.

The Trident Arm smashes his squishy head easily; if you have the Iron Club, you can beat him down easily if you add throws into your fighting.Nora of the Desert Hornets may be your last trot fighter unlocked if you did not spend too much time digging for gemstones in the dungeons. Her Gatling Arm is the same one you get, but she doesn't fire it as often (her biggest mistake).Beating Margarita (hot trotmobile tech babe - YOWZA!) will unlock the easy to use Bow Gun Arm. The down side is you need to buy it from her.This guy is unlocked if you manage to find him past the locked cave at Egret Brook. You need an A or S rank in the arena before you can persuade the Nefroburg police to unlock the cave entrace.Basil is unlocked once you fight him (as evil Vanilla) or when you clear the game (as good Vanilla).Fennel appears at the Garland Arena after the UTC event.You never fight Marjoram, but he appears once you clear the game.Coriander is the only trotmobile fighter you can permanently miss. If you do not challenge her at Seagull Beach after locating her on Year After mode, you can finish the game again, find her (after saving the clear game) and find her once more and challenge her to a trot duel. Just save that game (where you challenge her) to a different slot and resume your old game.This version of Savory's trot is different from the one in story arc.You fight this thing in evil story, but if you are a good guy, you fight this during your quest to reunite with Coriander in Year After.

Help Vladmir (see the sidequest page) and he will clue you in on where to find ex-Champion Ginger in Nefroburg.

Turning off 'High Quality Graphics Mode', in the options menu, will also help on some phone models. Featuring open maps, upgrades, achievements and nice graphics.The free version features 1 map with 11 difficulty levels.A full version is also available with more maps and unlimited upgrade and difficulty levelsFree version progress is automatically imported into the full version, should you choose to upgrade.HTC Desire, San Francisco: Turning off 'High Quality Graphics' fixes known issues.Galaxy S: Try the '16-bit backgrounds' option to fix studdering performance issuesAtrix: Disable sound to improve stabilityPerformance tips: If the game is running sluggishly, try playing fully 'zoomed in'. Robo defense strategy. Robo Defense is the ultimate portable tower defense experience.

The Main CastThe Trot Band - The 'Globetrotters' are a popular music troupe whose members' trot vehicles can be placed together to form a stage. They consist of various members of the main cast as individuals decide to drop out or join in.

The main story centers around most of them.Vanilla Beans - A boy about 17 years of age. He is found on the mainland by the very beautiful Coriander. Vanilla cannot remember anything about himself - even his name is up to you to decide on! IGN will refer to the player as Vaniila Beans occasionally.

Vanilla initially has no trotmobile of his own, but that solves itself about 30 seconds into the game. He pilots the Chamomile II trot.Chamomile II - This trot was found on Seagull Beach and it is in bad condition. It is no wonder it was abandoned. But with a little loving care, some carefully spun deals, and a lot of money, you can make this trot more dangerous than a Garpike in a subterranean tunnel.Coriander - A sweet and absolutely pure-hearted person. IGN calls her the super-virgin. Connie is the singer in the Trot Band, but she also knows how to play the guitar and the accordion. She seems to be the only member of the band who does not have a trot vehicle of her own, until you decide to challenge her really late into the game.

And even then, she's a push-over.Diva - This trotmobile is only available to Coriander in a special battle and is identical to the Chamomile II when you first find it.Savory - The lovely Savory provides chorus in the Trot Band, but she also knows how to play the guitar and the piano. Her trot vehicle is the Wild Strawberry. Savory is indeed a heady prize. Trying to pursue her may prove fruitless.Wild Strawberry - Savory's trot is deceptive since she's never in one until you crack the mystery. Don't forget some of the deadliest things in the world are things that are beautiful on the outside.Marjoram - The token big guy is the drummer in the Trot band, but he also knows how to play the accordion and the saxophone. Marjoram's trot vehicle, the Yellow Bear, is often in the middle of the stage since it carries so many stage frames.Big Bear - The trot is deceptively helpful, but only early on. You can speak to Marjoram's trot to refill all your gas for free.

Basil - Basil is the bassist in the Trot Band, but he also knows how to play the trumpet and the violin. Basil's trot vehicle is the Green Leaf. Four-eyes is utterly unmemorable, but has a crush on Savory.Wild Leaf - Basil's trotmobile is very weak and nothing to worry about. Basil's a nerdy musician, not a hardened trot-killing war veteran.Fennel - The suave guitarist in the Trot Band.

Fennel's trot vehicle is the Blue Thunder. Fennel (a.k.a., Master Miller, Jack Archer, that music dude in Killer 7, etc.) is somewhat of a hotheat and a master of long range cannon combat. When facing him, you will need to unleash your brutal side, you Dog of War.Blue Thunder - Fennel's trot is a missile trot.

You need good gear and a steady aim to take it down should you ever cross paths with it.Dandelion - Dandelion is the violinist in the Trot Band, but he is skilled with many other kinds of instruments. Although he is regarded as the leader of the group, he currently does not travel with it. He knows Coriander and he knows more than you think you know, or what you think that he thinks you know. Get it?Also Starring.Rosemary - Coriander's mother.

She has the traditional Japanese wasting disease that makes her bed-ridden. She lives in Nefroburg.Professor Nutmeg - A close friend of the Trot Band. He lives in Vision Ranch.Captain Ciboulette - The captain of the Juniper Berry - the ship Vanilla was on before it smashed itself silly on the rocks. If you undergo the tutorial, Ciboulette will train you in trotmobile matches.Great Sailing - This is Ciboulette's personal trotmobile. It is more deadly in the tutorial, but gets less dangerous once you meet it later. It's greatest asset is the ability to traverse deep water with its waterproof body.Marsh - Mallow - He's the unknown kid you play in the tutorial. He figures prominently into the main story line, but his past is a mystery.And about 10,000 other people you will eventually meet!Game BasicsYou mustn't waste time, you must cherish it!

Seize the day! Can I have a nickel to go get loaded?Time - Each day consists of four phases: morning, noon, early evening (dusk), and night. As Vanilla travels between areas, the day may pass into the next phase.

He can also rest at an inn to let time pass. Except for special circumstances, time effectively stops at night, and morning won't come until Vanilla decides to sleep.

Time passes usually when you transition between town maps to the outside (and vice versa). Time also passes when you enter or leave the city arenas.Mumbo. Get me some eggs.Hunger - Whenever a phase of time passes, Vanilla will begin to starve. He won't die from starvation, but being hungry will prevent him from running quickly. Eating food will restore Vanilla's hunger status and keep him from looking like he just drove himself onto a bullet. He will also not need to lie to the doctor - and save that for court.

Drinkin', fightin', and trippin' horses with wires.Trot Duel - In a duel, running out of time will result in a draw, regardless of how much damage each combatant's trot vehicle has taken. So you should find a way to destroy your opponent in a duel. In duels, your trotmobile's life will not count (it will be set to the duel status) but once you're done with it, any damage you incur will kill your trot and you will need to reload your game. Ciboulette will teach all that there is know about trotmobiles, so take the tutorial first!Gas, brake, honk.

Gas, brake, honk. Honk, honk, punch! Gas, gas, gas.Speed Up Traffic Mode - When Vanilla is driving his trot vehicle through a town, press L1 to speed up traffic. Press SQUARE to joyride in your trot (trotmobile goes around town in a preset circuit).Money makes the world go round, drink it down, you stupid clown. Money gets you one more round, till you're drunk out on your own ass.Money - Until Vanilla obtains some shares of stock, a job with the Bloody Mantis gang, or simply starts bandit hunting for no reason, the only way to earn money is to scrape up American pennies by playing music on save point on the street corner (marked by red safety cones).

The more people passing by, the better you play, the more money you receive.Hey, hands of the material. The kid's got moxy. I can't believe we were gonna shoot 'em.Album De Cloth - Wear a matching set of clothes (such as cowboy clothes, boots, hat, and gloves) to have it appear in the album. If you search and buy all the clothes in the game while remaining a good guy, you will have a complete album.

Vanilla - Default - Start the game with this. Mega man x2 bosses. Vanilla Cowboy - Find the matching hat, clothes, and shoes in the Seagull Beach and Egret Stream maps. Yes, you need to dismount the trot.

Vanilla Snob - Buy the matching hat, clothes and shoes from the clothing store in Nefroburg. Vanilla Cook - Find the hat in the Killer Elephant base (story arc).

The clothing is in the Station Hotel in Garland. Vanilla Desert Nomad - Buy the matching hat and clothes at Fort Raven. You find some matching shoes in the Desert Hornet base when rescuing Coriander (or after). Vanilla Swimwear - Buy the clothes at Fort Raven.

Use them at the desert oasis. Note you can only swim during morning, afternoon, or dusk. Vanilla Adam - There is a palm tree in the oasis you can inspect for a palm leaf. It's too bad there is no. Vanilla Aristocrat - Buy the matching clothes, shoes, and gloves from the clothing store in Garland. Vanilla Farmer - Find (or buy) the clothes and shoes at Skylark Farms West. The hat is in the basement of the Honey Farm in the swamp.

Vanilla Sailor - The dude from Shenmue might be looking for you. The hat and clothes are in the clothing store in Neuhafen.

Vanilla Bloody Mantis - You can join the Bloody Mantis or opt to buy the clothing in 'Year After' mode from the Bloody Mantis Hideout in Garland. Be good and buy the clothes. You get more.

Vanilla Prisoner - You can get this free if you become a badguy. Or you can wander your way into the Neuhafen prison on 'Year After', check the open cell and grab the clothes. Coriander - Meet her at Seagull Beach. Coriander Desert Fox - Buy the female clothes at Fort Raven and give her the matching hat found in the Desert Hornet's Base. If you missed doing this in the caravan (story mode), do it on 'Year After' mode. Coriander Swimwear - Go to the desert oasis and Coriander will don this automatically if Vanilla has swimwear.

You can also do this with Coriander when she goes to the Hot Springs in Eurydika (supposedly at night). Coriander Pajamas - During your extended stay in Garland's Lobster Inn, barge into the girls' room at night and speak to Coriander and Savory for this costume. Coriander Cook - When the Sabbia Desert War is about to start, visit Coriander at the soup line. She's at the Fort Condor map. Alcazar is fancy Spanish for fortress.

Coriander Evening Dress - The $12000 dress in Nefroburg will be worn after you give it to Coriander as a gift (anytime - even on 'Year After')) and when she performs a concert. If you need a concert at the end of the game, you can always play a venue at MeMe Village by speaking to the mayor (after the train station is finished). Savory - Meet Savory at Nefroburg.

Savory Pajamas - During your extended stay in Garland's Lobster Inn, barge into the girls' room at night and speak to Coriander and Savory for this costume. Clearing the game will unlock this record as well. Savory Swimsuit - Go to the desert oasis and Coriander will don this automatically if Vanilla has swimwear. Clearing the game will unlock this record as well.Portions of this guide are reprinted with permission expressly for use on

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