Illyriad Forum

Illyriad Joining and Alliance Guide by MarDo you need to join an alliance? But they can be very helpful and fun. They can answer questions, send resource help, offer military help if you’re attacked, help resolve disputes you have with other players, provide fun chat on Alliance Chat, and more.Research NeededStep 1: Click on an empty plot in your city and build a library.Step 2: When you have enough research points available, move your mouse over the green Research button on the menu, then select the “Available to Research” side button. Research Negotiation.Buildings NeededStep 1: You might not need this building.

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However, when your Negotiation research is finished and when you have enough resources to do so, click on an empty plot in your city and build a Consulate.Learning about AlliancesStep 1: Move your mouse over the Alliances Overview button on the menu, then select the Find Alliance side button. You will see a list of alliances.Alliances that have a “yes” under recruiting are accepting new members.

Those with a “no” may still accept a new member, especially if one of their current members knows you and asks the leader on your behalf.Distance indicates how close the alliance capital is to your city. If you like where your city is located, you might look for an alliance that has members close to you. (In the World Map, you can click on a city and View Player Profile to see if they are members of an alliance. There are more ways to check this discussed below.) If you don’t like where your city is located, you can always move your city closer to where the alliance is. Members and Population tell you how big the alliance is.

An alliance can have a maximum of 100 members.Some alliances have a tax which their members pay into the alliance treasury. This tax is a percentage taken from the tax you collect in each of your cities. This gold is held at your city but where you can’t use it. Once a week (counted from the day you join the alliance), the gold is collected by the alliance and is placed in the alliance treasury. You can view the amount you are paying the toward alliance tax in the “taxation” section of your castle. Thank you to Ryelle, Fluffy, and Johnny112 for providing information on how alliance taxes work.Step 2: Click on an alliance name in the list.

Click on View Alliance Profile to get a summary of what the alliance stands for and expects of it’s members. This is the Summary page.Click on the Players seal to see who are the members of that alliance. Once you’re a member of an alliance, you can check this page to see who in your alliance is online.Click on the Map seal to see where the alliance members’ cities are located on the world map.Click on the Diplomacy seal to see which other alliances this alliance has Non-Aggression Pacts (NAP) with, who they are at war with, and similar information.Click on the Forum seal to see any information the alliance has posted for the general public to read.Step 3: You can also learn about alliances by watching Global Chat and seeing which people you’d like to be in an alliance with. In the chat window, you can click on the player’s name and click View Profile to view the player’s personal profile (their alliance is given under their name) or click View Alliance Profile to view information about their alliance. Step 4: If you have questions about an alliance, you can send a message asking those questions to the leaders of the alliance. Under the alliance’s Player list, you can click on a player’s name and select the Send Message option. Enter a subject, ask your questions, and hit the Send button.Joining an AllianceStep 1: Look for an alliance that is taking new members, is near you (if that’s important), and has rules and goals you can live with.

When you join an alliance, it does mean that the alliance leaders have some say over what you do on the game. If the alliance rules or principles don’t match yours, this may become a problem for you later.Step 2: Once you’ve decided which alliances you might like to join, you can send them a message asking for an invitation to join their alliance. Look for information on who to contact about recruitment on the Alliance Summary page.Step 3: Click on the Players seal, click on the name of the recruitment officer, and click on Send Message. Ask them to send you an invitation to their alliance.

You might include information about why you chose their alliance and/or your goals on the game.Step 4: Wait. It may take several days before you hear back from the alliance. If you haven’t heard back from them after several days, you might try sending a message to the other recruiting officers (if listed). Often times, several of the leaders in the alliance have the ability to issue invitations to the alliance. If the wait is too long for you, you can always ask for an invitation from another alliance which also seems acceptable to you.You’ll receive a message when an invitation is issued to you. You can also check for invitations by moving your mouse over the Alliances Overview menu button and clicking on the Alliance Recruitment side button.

Under the Alliance Invitations Issued To You section, you’ll see who is sending you the invitation and which alliance it is for. You can Decline or Accept an invitation by clicking on the correct button next to the invitation.Step 5: When you receive an invitation from an alliance that you like, under the Alliance Recruitment page, click on the accept button next to the invitation.Congratulations!

You’re now a part of an alliance.Get active in your alliance by checking out the alliance chat and alliance forum. Move your mouse over the Mail menu button, then select the Chat side button. Click the “off” next to the Alliance Chat so it changes to “on,” then click on the Change button. An Alliance Chat window will appear below your Global Chat window.

On your alliance’s profile page, click on the Forums seal. Click on the Alliance Forum to see what other members are talking about.Other Things to ConsiderLarge alliances are more likely to have experienced players who can share their wisdom, easily provide resource help, and who probably have large armies to help you if you’re attacked. However, each alliance can only have a maximum of 100 members, so smaller alliances might be quicker to invite you into their alliance. If you like a large alliance and they have a sister alliance,you might ask to join the sister alliance instead.

They will have the same focus and be closely allied to the larger alliance.There are “training alliances” who accept players that are new to the game and who help new players get going. Many alliances will do this, but training alliances are more open to your joining them until you’re doing well, then leaving them for another alliance. If you’re not sure which alliance you want to join, these alliances might be a good place to start until you get to know the game and alliances better. Illy Training Ground, Free Defense Union, and Toothless? Are examples of training alliances.Leaving an AllianceIf you wish to leave your alliance, go to your alliance’s Summary page. Click on the Quit Alliance button at the bottom of this page. You then need to wait 24 hours before you can join another alliance or form a new one.

Thank you to Mandarins31 for providing this information.It might be polite to tell your alliance leaders why you’re leaving before you do. If you wish to join another alliance, most likely that alliance will want to know why you left your previous alliance.

IllyriadIllyriad Games LtdIllyriad Games LtdPlatform independentReleaseFebruary 22, 2010 ( 2010-02-22) (alpha)March 31, 2011 ( 2011-03-31) (beta)May 16, 2011 ( 2011-05-16) (v1)FantasyMode(s)Illyriad is a developed by the UK software company Illyriad Games Ltd, the company's first full online strategy game, first released in beta in 2010, and launched in 2011.Unlike many browser games, there is no set goal. The game is played on an infinite-round basis—there are no resets planned.Illyriad was showcased in the Mozilla Labs 2010 Game On Gallery and an IGF 2012 Main Competition Entrant. Ocean and an archipelago in the Illyriad world mapIllyriad is set in a – when a player logs out, the game continues. Players start with a single town in which they construct and upgrade buildings and conduct research to unlock new technologies.

Player civilizations can be expanded by conquering cities, sending settlers to colonize new lands or claiming sovereignty to expand player influence. It has a gameworld of over 4 million squares - the majority of which can be settled with a city.The game has four playable races, each with their own advantages and disadvantages: Humans, Dwarves,.There are five basic resources: Wood, Clay, Iron, Stone and Food. They are generated by the Lumberjack, Clay Pit, Iron Mine, Quarry and Farmyard respectively. Mana and research are produced by the mage tower and library, and used for magic and research. Gold is the currency in the game, which is used to pay wage for troops, caravans and diplomats as well as in player to player trade in the marketplace. Advanced resources are built from basic resources: horses, livestock, beer, books, spears, swords, bows, saddles, leather armour, chainmail, plate armour and siege blocks. These are used in the construction of military and diplomatic units.

Illyriad Leather Armour marketIt also has magic with several spell schools; a commodities trading and which are different based on player race.Illyriad's military unit categories are: Infantry, Spearmen, Cavalry, Archers and Siege engines; with multiple strategies including attack, reinforce,. Combat is both. Army commanders gain from combat which the player can use to train the commander's.The 'diplomatic' research options include: Spying, counter-intelligence, theft, sabotage and assassination.With the right technologies researched, using an army a player can claim on occupied territory for various advantages.Technologies. Technology tree of IllyriadIllyriad's has 400+ research options. They are categorized into 8 research areas: City, Diplomacy, Quest, Magic, Military, Trade, Crafting and Sovereignty. There are also discoveries which are found via quests.To research a new technology, it is first necessary to research the prerequisite technology - also some technologies have a prerequisite building level that must be built (for example, Smelting can only be researched after Craftsmanship has been researched and the town has a level 7 Quarry).Researched technology is on a per city basis, so when a player settles a new town, they must research the technology for that town separately. The game's technology tree displays all the non-discovery techs in the game and their relation with one another, and allows the player to queue up to 2 technologies per town for research.

Discoveries when found are at that point revealed to the player and do not require to be researched.Completed researches count towards the players overall research score.Terrain The outcome of battles is not determined only by the size of armies, but is also influenced by the of the battle ground and types of units engaged. Units' offensive and defensive abilities vary with the terrain they occupy. For example: 'mountains favour ranged units and nimble spearmen, and penalise cavalry heavily. Attacking swordsmen are also hampered by the passes, gulleys and canyons that make frontal assaults more difficult.'

While there are many more terrain sub-types (e.g. Light Tropical Cover, Rockhewn Monastery, Dense Jungle, Dense Rainforest), the main overall terrains for combat purposes are:. Buildings. Plains.

Small Forest. Large Forest. Small Hill. Large Hill.

Illyriad forums

Small Mountain. Large Mountain.

Fresh Water. Shallow Salt Water. Tidal Water. OceanEvolving World The world of Illyriad is supposed to change and is supposed to evolve over time. Mysteries and special locations have been added to the world such as The Temple of Reason, The Heroic Statues and the Steamtastic brewery.

In actuality, there are only a very limited number of 'mysteries' and special locations and the map hasn't been evolving for years. All mysteries, except one that is unsolvable, have been solved and aren't really mysterious.In June 2011 the geography of one part of the world became and changes on a daily basis. Alliances Players can form, and are provided with alliance, and a central treasury. Alliances interrelationships begin neutral, but they can choose to enter different states with each other such as:, or War.As well as the 'hard power' of alliances in war, diplomacy, protection and politics; alliances in Illyriad allow players to cooperate to achieve things that would be beyond them as individuals. This includes investigating and solving mysteries spread across the world and competing in server wide tournaments.Political Intrigue Alliance and players are also continuously drawing and changing territorial lines and having secret meetings that decide the fate of entire sections of the world. However, with a very large world and realistic travel times for trade, diplomats and military it becomes hard for even large alliances to exert direct force at large distances from their core power blocks.

Tournaments Illyriad also features server-wide in which players compete and players are rewarded individually and at the Alliance level. These tournaments have been also used to introduce new gameplay dynamics like creature drops.The tournaments have been month-long events and have been as follows:. January 2011: The first tournament was an 'Hold the Fort' event. Eight equidistant locations in the world acted as 'forts', which had to be held by player's armies. At the end of the month the Alliance who had held a location for the longest was the winner of that 'fort'. Also a prize was given to the Alliance which had held the most locations for the longest time overall.

April 2011: The second tournament was a event which required players to combat animal spawns and retrieve 'anatomical specimens'. Players were individually rewarded for being the greatest hunter of each creature type; having the largest collection and having the largest number of unique parts. Alliances received rewards for having the largest collection and having the largest number of unique parts between all the Alliances. June 2011: The third tournament was a 'Hold the Fort' event. The eight locations from the first tournament acted as spawn points for, which would bind to the player holding the square and become a unit in their town. On these squares all Alliance affiliations were suspended so all players were hostile to each other on these squares.

In addition to the elementals, at the end of the tournament players were also rewarded for each of the elementals they had bound and the top players from each square received a Tournament Winner's Statue placed at the winners' choice on any unoccupied map square within 10 squares of their Capital City. This Monument bears their name and is a permanent marker on the World Map. December 2011: The fourth tournament, 'The Undead Horde', began with a live event when a rift opened in the map and skeleton armies came from it, attacking players.

This tournament was centered around the individual commanders in players' towns, rather than at an alliance or a player level like previous tournaments. Players had to withstand attacks from the undead, preventing them from accessing activated standing stones.

Prizes were given to the commanders who gained the most experience. February 2012: The fifth tournament was an Alliance Ground Control event across 37 squares, one per region on the map. The winners were based on the summed time of all the squares held over a month.Compatibility Illyriad can be played in any web browser which supports the standards; including mobile devices (e.g., ). The game has a special Facebook-mode, using Facebook-specific features such as Facebook connect, game announcements and other community features. Illyriad is also featured in the Facebook application directory.Business model The game does not use ads, and is fully funded by the optional purchase of 'prestige' offering an advantage using. This can be purchased via, using, and for Facebook players.Research, troop builds and advanced resource production cannot be sped up through the use of in game currency.

Development Initial release Illyriad began development in 2009, and was the first game developed by Illyriad Games Ltd. It began with 3 developers and 3 artists, however only 2 were full-time - with the others working at other jobs. The core Illyriad development team's background was from web and enterprise software, not games - and the initial content was provided by.James Niesewand, Illyriad Games founder, described the process: 'From start to finish it took us about a year to get something playable. For us that was just the point at which we had something fun that people could enjoy.

At that stage we put the game live, invited people to play, and worked on improving the game in line with the players’ feedback.' Critical development software included Microsoft ASP.NET MVC. Illyriad uses Microsoft SQL Server for persistent game data.

Continued development After initial launch, the development of Illyriad continued. The world was changed from being randomly generated into one which was generated including topographical features: mountain ranges, lakes, forests, hills, oceans, islands, rivers etc. This was then followed by the introduction of including, and; as well as and NPC.Illyriad Games continued development with a team composed of remote workers in different countries and outsourced suppliers. They bought on board Quantic Labs for the graphics which were used to relaunch the user interface.

^ 2011-08-10 at the. ^.

March 24, 2010. May 16, 2011.

Archived from on April 25, 2012. Retrieved December 13, 2011. GM Stormcrow (August 25, 2010). Illyriad Forum. 2011-08-17 at the.

at. Illyriad Forum. April 17, 2011. ^ (in French). Illyriad Forum. March 7, 2010.

(Press release). June 16, 2011. Kurdruk (May 26, 2011). ^., Massively. May 11, 2011. Archived from on May 17, 2011.

Retrieved June 21, 2011. ^. Illyriad Forum. December 30, 2010., Massively. April 11, 2011. Archived from on May 7, 2011.

Retrieved May 2, 2011. Illyriad Forum. April 11, 2011.

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June 20, 2011. Illyriad Forum. June 16, 2011., Massively. December 17, 2011. Archived from on February 8, 2012. Retrieved February 24, 2012.

Illyriad Forum. December 20, 2011. February 23, 2012. Archived from on February 1, 2013. Retrieved February 24, 2012. ^. Illyriad Games Ltd., Massively.

July 5, 2011. Archived from on July 11, 2011.

Retrieved July 14, 2011. Illyriad Games Ltd. ^.

Illyriad Forum. August 26, 2011. Illyriad Forum. April 25, 2011. ^ Crossley, Rob (May 5, 2011). Illyriad Forum.

September 14, 2010. Illyriad Forum.

October 11, 2010. Illyriad Forum. August 19, 2011., Massively.

August 30, 2011. Archived from on October 31, 2011. Retrieved September 4, 2011. December 8, 2011. Illyriad Games. November 15, 2011. Christina Gonzalez (April 20, 2012).

Archived from on October 19, 2013. Retrieved September 8, 2012. MJ Guthrie (June 18, 2012)., Massively.

Archived from on September 25, 2012. Retrieved September 8, 2012.

William Murphy (July 27, 2012). Archived from on July 2, 2013.

Retrieved September 8, 2012. Hindman, Beau (April 26, 2011)., Massively. Archived from on April 30, 2011.

Retrieved May 2, 2011., Massively. June 21, 2011. Archived from on January 29, 2015. Retrieved June 21, 2011.

December 12, 2011. February 13, 2012.

Archived from on February 16, 2012. Retrieved February 14, 2012.External links.

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