Grand Theft Auto Iii Marty Chonks Side Missions

Jul 06, 2010  Funny that, I remember doing the Marty Chonks missions back when I first played the game in 2002 or so. I didn't know they were optional back then, and even though I played through the game again as late as 2008 (excluding the playthrough I'm currently doing), and skipped them then, I didn't know until yesterday that they were supposed to be a secret. Get the best tips and tricks to unlock all the trophies for Grand Theft Auto III in the best 100% guide and walkthrough for the game on the web. Marty Chonks (4 missions, Portland). Pay Phone missions are like short side-missions that you will unlock over the course of the game. Each island you unlock will unlock new Pay-Phone Missions.

Contents Story missions PortlandClaude is betrayed by his girlfriend Catalina when she shoots him during a bank heist, leaving him for dead. He survives and is arrested, but on the way to the penitentiary, the Colombian Cartel ambushes the convoy to kidnap another prisoner, destroying the bridge in the process and isolating the island of Portland from other parts of Liberty City, and he and another prisoner named 8-Ball manage to escape. With his new allies, he eventually forms a connection with the Leone family by destroying the neighboring Triads and Forelli family. He finds out that Catalina has become a co-leader of the Colombian Cartel, and eventually destroys their ship filled with the drug SPANK. However, Salvatore Leone has grown paranoid and no longer trusts easily, so when Maria lies and says that she and Claude are having an affair just to spite him, he sends Claude to his death by planting a bomb in a car he ordered Claude to take away.

Legend:EasyMediumHardTrenton Secret PhoneThere is a phone in trenton outside the Bitchin Hot Dog Factory. Its not hardto find as you've probably already passed it when you did the missions for JoeyLeone.The Phone only rings between 9.00 and 19.00 hours and you cannot access themissions unless the phone is ringing so come back later if you are at the wrongtime.These are the missions: 1. The crook$1000Difficulty:The guy on the pone is Marty Chonks. The man who owns the bitchin dog foodfactory you are standing next to. Marty believes his bank manager is cheatinghim out of money and so he wants you to collect the leech up from outside thebank and bring him back to the factory.First you need to get the car inside the factory grounds, indicated by thepurple dot on your radar.

Annainlalaland, Challenging puzzles, but.The puzzles are challenging and work. Talk about a genius! Interlocked game. Haven't found any bugs. WHomever designed the puzzles has my utmost respect.

To get to it you must enter the factory through thegate which is just down the road from the telephone. You dont need a car toopen the gate so you can walk if you like.Once in you should easily find the car parked round the back highlighted bya blue arrow.

Climb in.Now you have to pick up the bank manager in china town. Drive carefully tothe destination using your radar as guidance and try not to destroy car. A fewknocks are ok but death of the car means death of the mission.Pull up beside the bank manager (do not run him over) and wait until he getsin. Then drive him back to the dog food factory, indicated on your radar asusual, and park the car on the blue marker.

Now watch the bank manager walkinto the factory to meet his doom.Once the cutscene has finished you will be instructed to take the car to thecar crusher in harwood to be destroyed. DO EXACTLY THAT! If you destroy thecar any other way, then you will you will fail the mission.Once you find the car crusher, pull up on the blue marker as usual and exitthe vehicle. Now you can sit back and watch the car being craned into the carcrusher. Mission Complete! The Thieves$3000Difficulty:Like the last mission this is equally as easy. You have to pick up some thievesfrom china town and deliver them to the factory.So get the car inside the factory grounds (its a sentinel this time).

Thenuse your radar to find the thieves who will be waiting for you on the pavement.As long as you havent run them over they will get in the car. Take them backto the factory and stop on the blue marker.Once they walk into the factory and die, you then have to respray the car andbring it back to the factory. Use the spraycan logo on your radar to find therespray shop and once resprayed return to the factory again and park it on theblue marker. Exit the vehicle to complete the mission.

The Wife$2000Difficulty:Now Marty needs some money so he plans to bump his wife so that he can claimon the insurance. As the previous two missions take the car from the factoryand use your radar to find his wife. Pick her up and drive her back to the factorystopping, as usual on the blue marker.Once the wife is dead you have to take the car and dump it in the sea. PortlandHarbour is near by so take it here.

Drive up to the edge of the docks and thenget out. Dont try and drive up to the edge and jump out at the last minute,its not possible. You will have to use another car to nudge it into the sea.There are plenty of cars around the harbour to do this.

A gentle nudge is allthat is needed to send the car to watery grave. Mission complete. Her Lover$2000Difficulty:Marty's wife was seeing someone whow marty owes money to. This particular personwants to see Marty right away so you have to go and pick them up. Repeat theprocess of the previous missions to pick up the lover and bring him back tothe factory.Once you bring him back to the factory you will see the blue marker to stopon and a figure standing behind it.

This is Marty Chonks himself. Sorry lookingfellow isnt he. Not for long!:)This is the end of the missions at this phone so it wont ring from now on.El Burro Phone Missions - Hepburn HeightsYou will always be able to find this phone easily as its indicated on yourradar as a blue phone icon. Its in hepburn heights area behind your hideout. TurismoLike to drive fast? Good, because this mission is a race.

Once El burro hasfinished talking to you, you need to decide what car to get. Faster is betteras this is a race through check points around the city. Most people will choosethe banshee (dodge viper look-alike) which you can find in Easy credit autos,next to 8-ball's.The banshee is the fastest car you can hope for at this moment but its notthe only one that can complete this misson. I have done it with the sentineland I dare say there are a number of other vehicles that can do it. Just donttry to do it in a bus!The aim of the mission is to drive through all the checkpoints, IN SEQUENCE,before any of the other drivers.

You will be up against some cars you may nothave seen before. These are the fastest cars in the game but if you have thebanshee you will be pleased to know you have the fastest acceleration whichis an advantage.The checkpoints are shown on your radar. The pink dot is your next checkpointand the purple dot is the checkpoint following. This gives you an idea on howto plan your route.If you dont do this the first time, dont worry, you now have an advantage asyou now have an idea to where the checkpoints are. You may not remember themall at first but the more you do this mission, the more checkpoints you willremember. Soon enough you wont even need the radar. That's when you get reallyfast times!A good trick to do on this mission is to follow the leader for the whole race.This way you know where to go and when you hit the final straight (the racefinishes where it starts) blast past the leader.Be wary of the other drivers as they will take you out sometimes even if itmeans they lose out.

Very frustrating! I scream, you scream$6,000Difficulty:El burro tells you that a gang has threatened to remove his 'best friend' shouldhe not pay them a cut. El burro knows this gang has a soft spot for ice creamso he wants you to pick up some explosives, find the ice cream van and givethem an ice cream they will remember.So get in your car and find the suitcase of explosives using your radar.

Onceyou have picked up the explosives a purple dot will appear on your radar toshow you where the ice cream van is. Go catch it up!The ice cream van is driving through the city so you will need to stop it inorder to car jack it. In some cases you may find an ice cream van on your wayto the one marked by the radar. If this is the case then you can use this also.Once in control of the ice cream van you must take it to the place indicatedon your radar by the pink dot being careful not to trash it.

There is no timerso you can drive carefully. Funnily enough the ice cream van does not appearto visually take any damage but nevertheless it will damage just like any vehicle.Once at the right place, park the van on the blue marker and sound the hornto turn on the comical music. Get out of the van and move away from it. Standingat the entrance to the yard is a good place so that you can see the van. Aftera moment a group of fellas will straddle out to the van. Resevoir dogs thememusic would be quite appropriate here!When the gang members are all crowded around the ice cream van, press yourfire button to activate the bomb.

BOOM!If by any chance it didnt kill them all then finish them off yourself withyour guns or a car. Usually the gang drop their uzis and lots of money whenthey are dead so help yourself!Trial By Fire$10,000Difficulty:Some triads have stolen El burro's car containing some of his prized posessions!He wants payback and he wants you to give it.This mission is like a rampage. Make sure you have full health and armour forthis mission as it is required for you to complete this on foot. First you mustpick up the flame thrower from an alleyway in china town. Use the radar onceagain to find the location of the flamethrower.As soon as you pick up the flamethrower you will activate the timer.

You mustkill 25 triads within the time limit to complete this. The best thing to dois to make your way to the nearby basket ball court which is just east of whereyou picked up the flamethrower.

Use the car to get there if you wish.There should be a whole bunch of triads standing in the basket ball court andas long as you keep moving around it, triads will appear all about you. Thereason why its a good place to do this mission is because it keeps you out ofthe roads where you are safe from vengeful triads who may run you over in theirvans having seen you toasting their mates.Taking out triads with guns first and not setting yourself on fire are importantthings to keep in mind. If you find that there are no triads around, move outof the basket ball court and into th park area that surrounds. Dont worry abouttaking out the odd pedestrian, although you will attract the police if you killtoo many of the public.Killing the triads by running them over does not count, only the flame throwercan do the business.

Boo!Warning:- if the triads dont hate you already, then they sure will after thismission. Watch your back in triad territory as they will do anything to killyou!

Big n Veiny$20,000Difficulty:This could be a tough mission depending on how fast you can drive. El burroinforms you that someone has stolen a van full of porn mags and the driver hasleft the back door open spilling a trail of them all over town. You must pickthem up one by one before the counter reaches zero.

Everytime you pick up amagazine, it adds a second to your counter.For this mission you will have to be quick and skillful. Unfortunately youwill have to use the van allocated which is tricky to drive fast as its alwaystrying to tip over.As you may well know picking up the magazines is not as simple as it seems.Traffic is running as usual and on most occasions will get in your way. Timingis important here as you may well reach a magazine just as another vehicle ison top of it.The best thing to do if this happens is to come alongside the vehicle and bargeit to the side. You only have to touch the magazine to pick it up so you donthave to drive totally over it. Shunting a car from the rear usually ends intears as you will probably lose control.Seeing as only a few wasted seconds can mean the end of the mission you shouldtry and avoid all major collisions even if it means waiting a moment to waitfor a blockage to clear. The key to this mission is to drive cleanly and notpanic if you here the counter ticking down the last 10 seconds.

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This is usuallythe point where you will lose the mission as your driving becomes more erraticas you struggle to collect the magazines, causing you to make an error. Thereare points where you will be able to catch up so if you hear the countdown,keep calm!Dont fret if you dont do the first time around. Like turismo, this missionbecomes easier the more you do it as you will learn where the trail of magazinesleads.Following the trail will bring you to portland harbour. When entering the finalarea to pick up the last of the mags, you will see a van with a man standingin front of it directly after the final mag. Simply run the man over to finishthis part of the mission.You then have to drive the van to XXX magazines in the red light district.Use your radar to find the dropoff point. The blue marker, where you must parkthe van, is in an alleyway behind xxx magazines. Now you can sit back and watchall those dirty old men buy their copy.What's quite funny is that when you comlete this mission there will be a stackof porno mags delivered to your hideout.

Oh but you cant read them. Imean good!This is the last of the phone missions for El burro but should you return tothis phone later, you will be able to compete in turismo again and again. Theradar will not tell you were this phone is from now on though.King Courtney Missions - AspartiaBling Bling Scramble$1,000 per checkpoint.Difficulty:Similar to 'Turismo' on Portland Island, this mission requires you to passthrough 15 checkpoints. However it is different. Once the mission starts a checkpointis highlighted on the radar. When the checkpoint has been passed through bysomeone another one will appear regardless of whether you passed through itfirst or not.Get yourself a fast car. Preferrably a Banshee, Cheetah, Stinger or Infernus.Once you have the car of your choice, find the blue marker pointed out on yourradar and stop on it.When you see your opponents pull up, you may laugh at them. can laugh at the pickup truck. I dont know why it thinks it has a hope ofwinning this. You should take the Patriot and the Cheetah seriously though asthey could give you a run for your money depending on how good you are.The counter will count down and you will be off. Quickly glance at your radarto see where the first checkpoint and go for it. After you pass through thecheckpoint you need to check your radar for the next one. It may be right nextto you or unfortunately it may appear right next to one of your oppoonents givingyou no chance.Dont fret when you dont get one. Even the best drivers dont get them all.

Toincrease your chances, pass through the checkpoint just before your opponent.That way you will have dragged them away from the next one giving you more chanceto get it yourself.You have to pass through at least 5 checkpoints to have a chance but collect8 to be sure. Dont stop at 8 though, because every checkpoint you pass throughgives you $1,000.Drive quickly and carefully. Try not to hit anything. Driving like a maniacmight get you to the checkpoint quicker but it will also trash your car quickerand while you are looking for a new car, your opponents are getting checkpoints.Your opponents will also try and ram you if they get the chance so keep youdistance.Oh and doing this mission in rain is alot harder. Driving on a wet road isa bit like trying to chew marshmallow with no teeth. Uzi Rider$10,000Difficulty:An easy mission here. You are still being tested by the Yardie's and they wantyou to drive to Diablo turf and kill some Diablo's to prove yourself.

Once yougain contol you will be in a crappy Perenniel. Dont get out to find anothercar you have to use this car.Now drive to Hepburn Heights on Portland Island using the radar as guidance.Use the tunnel. It brings you right out into Diablo territory and you wont haveto traverse Triads or the Mafia. Once there, you will be instructed to killsome Diablo's. You need to kill 10 but do not leave the car.Running them over is easiest. You can also use the Uzi to do a drive by ifyou want. Try not to kill any Diablo's when there is a Diablo Stallion around.This will cause the it to come after you and its hard to shake it off when yourin a crappy Perenniel.Once you have killed 10 Diablo's its time to head back to Staunton Island goingback the same way you came.

Through the tunnel. Stop on the blue marker in Newportopposite the white multi-storey carpark to finish the mission.Congratualations.

You've now succeded in turning every gang on Portland againstyou. I hope you havent left your favourite car over there!:) Gangcar Roundup$10,000Difficulty:This one is abit long and boring. King Coutney wants you to steal a Mafia Sentinel,Diablo Stallion and a Yakuza Stinger. The first two of these are, annoyingly,on Portland Island so you are going to have to make at least two trips over.When the mission starts you will have one pink dot on the radar. This is thegarage you must deliver the cars to. You will also realise there are not dotstelling you where the cars are. You have to find them yourself.Get yourself over to portland then for the first car.

I recommend using thetunnel because you will come out directly onto Diablo turf and will not haveto drive through Triad or Mafia territory.Remember that you are a wanted man on Portland. You should be fine in Diabloand Triad territory but the Mafia are very dangerous with those shotguns.To get a Mafia Sentinel you will have to find the Mafia Gentlemen's club atthe top of the hill (east) in St Mark's. There are two Mafia Sentinels parkedout the front of it which are easier to get than trying to car jack one on thestreets.Dont use the roads to get to the Gentlemen's club. Drive up the hillside behindEasy credit autos to get to the top to avoid risk of being shot by the Mafia.Once you have the Sentinel, take it back to staunton using the tunnel. Drivecarefully as any damage caused will have to be repaired at the respray shopbefore it is delivered.Now head back to Portland using the tunnel again. Unfortunately none of theDiablo Stallion's are parked anywhere in the city so you will have to cruisearound the Hepburn Heights area looking for one.

The Diablo areafter you and will pull you out your car if they get the chance.Once you find a Diablo Stallion, car jack it and get it back to Staunton inone piece. Once deposited in the garage you only have the Yakuza Stinger toget.

Head over to Kenji's Casino in Torrington to find one parked in the carpark.Return it to the garage untouched to complete the mission. Kingdom Come$10,000Difficulty:Be sure to have a good long range weapon here, like the M-16 or AK. Make sureyour health and armour is full too and that you have a fairly quick car.Your told that there is something King Courtney wants from a car in BedfordPoint and he wants you to collect it. You only have a minute and a half to findit, so head over to Bedford Point using the west Highway. When you get close,use the radar to find the car in the carpark.If you have time, destroy the van parked to the right (south) of the car.

Thereis a group of spanked up madmen in it waiting for you. Get in the car and youwill read the letter from Catalina. Your ex-girlfriend / backstabber. She hasfound out about your dealings with the Yardies and has set you up!You will then see a demonstration of the spanked up madmen. Once you have controlyou have to get out the car park as quickly as possible. Run or drive out ofthe north exit to the car park as fast as you can, keeping your distance fromthe mad man who gets out the van.

They will only blow up if they are rightnext to you meaning you have a little room to get around him.Once out the car park, find the steps to the east of the entrance you justcame out of and go up them to get a clear view of the carpark. Your first taskis to destroy the vans because the madmen will keep getting out unless you do.Have a look on your radar to make sure none of them have managed to follow youup the steps.The madmen should be grouped below you or stuck in some garages to your right(west). Make sure all 4 vans have been destroyed and then go after the remaingmadmen. A good tactic is to enter the car park again from the south-east entranceto the carpark and kill the madmen from a distance with a rifle.Once the madmen are killed its mission complete. The Yardies now hate you sobe careful in the Newport area.D-Ice (Red Jacks) - Witchita GardensUzi Money$10,000Difficulty:D-Ice is part of the South Side Hood which consists of the Red Jacks (red)and the Nines (purple).

They patrol the streets all around Witchita on footand in dodgy looking Rumpo vans.The pay does not do this mission any justice as you find yourself in the thickof it Withita Gardens. D-Ice doesnt like the new Nines who have started operatingaround Witchita gardens. The Red Jacks and the Nines look similar but the Ninesare wearing purple, where as the Red Jacks are wearing red unsurprisingly.Your job is to teach the Nines what a real driveby is by killing 20 of themusing your uzi from your car.

After trying this mission several times. I foundit was easier to complete using a fast car like the cheetah or banshee. Go getone if you havent got one already.As soon as you get into a car after speaking on the phone, the timer starts.You now have 2 minutes to kill 20 Nines using the driveby method. Any Nine thatis killed any other way will not be counted towards the tally.

Any Red Jackskilled do not count either.There is a special techinique to this mission. First of all you must drivearound and around the housing blocks by using the roads that go around them.Some things you shouldnt do are:1.

Killing Nines when there are dozens of Hood members about. They will allshoot at you at the same time, wasting your car in seconds. Try to take outNines that are walk on there own.2. Killing Nines when there are Rumpo vans about. The vans will begin to givechase and you will have to lose them before you can continue the mission.3. You can be pulled out your car in a second if your not looking inthe right direction.

This wont happen if you keep moving.Having said all that, sometimes its hard to not do these things. Do you yourbest to get out of a risky situation as fast as possible should you get intoit.The main way of getting the kills safely is to drive around and look for aNine walking on his own. Slow the car right down, shoot him from the windowand then speed off to a safe distance. Keep repeating this and you will eventuallybring the tally up.

Dont worry if you cant find any, just keep circling thehousing blocks and they will appear.If you are hesitant about a situation, then dont do it. Drive on and find anotherone. One wrong decision can lead to you failing the mission, so be sure thatit is safe to kill them. Do it and then move on to the next one.The key to this mission is to try and recieve as little damage to you car aspossible. This is why the fast cars a better because they can speed off shouldyou get into touble. The Barracks OL can take more damage but its too slow anddoesnt last very long.

Keeping perfecting your technique of driving round, findingand Nine on his own, slowing down, shooting him and then driving off at speed.That's how real driveby's are done anyway. Toyminator$10,000Difficulty:D-Ice is still on a mission to hurt the Nines in an attempt to stop them transportingtheir spank around the city. They are using armoured cars to do this and D-Icepoints you to a location where you can collect some gear to do the job.Drive back up to your hideout to find the toy van parked behind it in a carparkwith a blue arrow pointing to it.This is as easy as it is boring. You have to drive an exploding buggy to threeSecuricar's that are driving around Shoreside Vale. There is not many tacticsto talk about because its os easy to do.

As long as you are patient and do goand drive the buggy into cars or off a cliff you will do this no problem.Driving on the footpaths reduces the risk of you hitting any other cars andit is impossible to hit any people with the buggy. Use your radar to find themand navigate carefully to them.

Once you find a Securicar, pointed to by a bigblue arrow, drive right up to, or under, them and detonate the buggy using yourfire button.You only have room to make one mistake as there are a total of 4 buggies inyour stash. Be patient and dont take risks when driving the buggies. They dohave breaks you know. Rigged To Blow$20,000Difficulty:Some Joker has rigged D-Ice's car with a bomb and the timer is ticking.

Tospare his reputation, you are to drive his car all the way to St Mark's on PortlandIsland to get it defused. The car is parked up behind your hideout in the sameplace as the van was in the last mission 'Toyminator'. Go get to it as fastas you can.The tricky part of this mission is not the time limit. 6 minutes is long enoughto drive to Portland.

The tricky part is avoiding damage. You have to drivefairly quickly but avoiding all collisions with other cars.The best route to take is through the tunnel. There is an entrance to the tunnelright below where you are parked. Take a short cut down the hill south of youhideout onto the double laned road below. Enter the tunnel and drive all theway to Portland.Be very careful in the tunnel. As you probably all ready know, the other driverscontinually change lane at a moments notice. Sometimes they change lane forno apparent reason other than to frustrate you.

When passing other vehicles,use the accelerator sparringly and assume that they are going to pull out infront of you. This way you will be ready to slam on your brakes if they do.When doing this mission, make sure you are extra vigilant of other cars.

Tryand predict which way they are going and assume that cars are going to swingin front of you at junctions. Most of them wont but there are ocassions whena car will suddenly cut in front of you. Bare in mind that you do not need todrive at full speed the whole way there. You can drive at full speed to thegarage in about 2 minutes. That's 4 minutes you can spend being careful. Usethem and you will get their with no problem.Should you be blocked by two cars in both lanes, carefully barge down the middleof them. You can recieve a few bumps and knocks but anything too high will causethe bomb to go off.Strangely, when you arrive on Portland, none of the gangs who are out for yourblood give you a slight bit of notice.

This means you can drive safely to thegarage in St Mark's at the top of the hill. Because of this, you dont need totake any strange routes into St Mark's to avoid gang members.Once you find the garage, using your radar as help, drive in to diffuse thebomb. Once this is done you will recieve a message to repair the car shouldyou have recieved any damage on the way.

Get it repaired at a respray shop ifthis is the case and return it safely to where you found it to complete themission. Bullion Run$25,000Difficulty:A plane carrying a cargo of platimum has spilled its contents onto the streetsin Pike Creek. You have to pickup 30 pieces and return them to a lockup in PikeCreek itself. The twist is that for every piece you pick up, your vehicle willincrease in weight. You wanted level will also increase after picking up severalpieces.You will need a suitable car for this mission and I recommend the Patriot becauseit doesnt seem to be affected by the weight as much.

Fast cars, such as thecheetah, become slow very quickly.Drive over to Pike Creek as quickly as possible using the radar to show youwhere the bullion is scattered. The lockup you have to take the bullion to isindicated by the pink dot on your radar.

When you arrive you will see hundredsof pieces scattered all over the streets. At this point you can make two differenttactics.You can actually pickup 30 in one go by driving down from the west of the scatteredbullion and driving down the hill to pick up as many as you can on the way down.Going down hill keeps your speed up. Doing it this way will increase your wantedlevel to about 2 stars.Alternatively a safer, but longer, way is to collect about 5 pieces at a time.You will have to make 6 trips but your wanted level will not rise above 1. Yourcar will also be lighter so there will be less risk of being captured by thepolice should you get into trouble.Whatever way you do it, your biggest enemy in this mission is the police, notthe time limit. Keep your cool and your speed up. Picking up many pieces ofbullion can reduce your car to a walking speed.

Slow enough for a policemanto easily run up and pull you out. You have been warned:) Rumble$10,000difficulty:The Nines are still bugging D-Ice and he has arranged for you to go one onone with the help of another Red Jack against a group of them. Make sure youhave full health and armour. Hopefully you wont need it but there is alway apossiblity.Drive up to your hideout to find a Red Jack waiting to be picked up. Here hewill explain to you that it will be a war of bats meaning no guns or cars canbe used.

If a Nine member gets killed any other way than the bat in your hand,then you will fail the mission.Once you pick up the Red Jack, drive back down the road ramp and find the picnicarea where the Nines are waiting for you. Dont drive right into the picnic area.Get out your car and walk into the picnic area. If you drive in and get pulledout then you will quickly surrounded by all of them.Switching to the standard controls makes it easier to aim in this mission.You can use the mouse to aim making it easy to turn and hit any Nine that isclose to you.Seeing how many of them there are can frighten you at first. Dont be worried.When you get close to one of them they will all come after you. Let them cometo you and rapidly hit the fire button so that you start swinging that bat about.They will come at you and line up as each one is knocked to the ground. Dontworry they wont surround you as long as you move away from them every time youmove.You cant rely on the other Red Jack to do the work. No matter how much he hitsthem they never get hurt by him.

It's up to you! If you should get knocked tothe ground run away as soon as you get up again. Keep a check on your healthto see if its getting low. If it is go and find some more. Dont worry aboutleaving them behind.

You can drive all over Shoreside and they will still comeafter you.Once you have beaten the last one to a pulp, you will complete the mission.

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