Champions Of Norrath Gameplay

Page 1C O M P L E M E N T A R Y F A Q SChampions of Norrath: Realm of EverQuestVersion: 1.0Main Author: maltzsan ( Many patrons of Gamefaqs.comTable of Contents0. CoN FAQs - Is this game for me?1.1 General Aspects1.2 Online Aspects2.

Character FAQs2.1 Class2.2 Attribute2.3 Skill3. Plot FAQs - What do I do next?3.1 Act I3.2 Act II3.3 Act III3.4 Act IV3.5 Act V4. Enemy FAQs - How do I beat X?4.1 Act I4.2 Act II4.3 Act III4.4 Act IV4.5 Act V5.

Miscellaneous FAQs5.1 Glitches5.2 Battles5.3 Equipments5.4 OthersIntroHello, everyone.This 'Complementary FAQ' is not a thick manual of everything, but rathera collective trouble-shooters of Champions of Norrath: Realm ofEverQuest (referred to as CoN later). If you have a question about CoNthat isn't explained by the manual or other sources, or you would liketo expand your knowledge of CoN to a higher level, you have come tothe right place.I would like to thank many users on the official forum and especiallythe gamefaqs, for their generous knowledge sharing. Sorry I couldn'tlist every single, honorable ID - but you still have my heartily thanks.Personally, I have used a warrior, ranger, cleric and wizard from lv1-50 through all 3 difficulties, plus about 1/2 of that with a shadowknight. I also have about 20+ hours multiplayer (both online and offline)experiences.

Champions: Return to Arms brings all the hack-and-slash gameplay from Champions of Norrath back to the PlayStation 2. Kingdom Hearts. For the first time ever, Disney films come together in one game, but it's up to you make it their world the happiest. Kingdom Hearts II. And luckily, Champions visuals are up to par with the gameplay. Cavernous dungeons and web-filled tombs have an almost photo-realistic look to them, and visual.

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Indeed, I am not really a veteran player; therefore, thisFAQ was, and will be always open for contributions. Please correct meif my information is incorrect or incomplete. You will be properlycredited on revisions of this FAQ. If you wish to use any informationin this FAQ elsewhere, please feel free, and kindly refer to this FAQas your source of information.Just in case you don't know: in any browser, you can easily do a keywordsearch by pressing :Ctrl + F;. Hope you find what you want here!maltzsanMay 1, 20051. CoN FAQsIs this game for me?-1.1 General Aspects-Q: Should I get CoN, or the sequel Champions: Return to Arms?-A: They are very similar games.

CoN costs less and is easier. In RtAthere are 2 new classes and 30 extra levels to pursue.Q: Is CoN as good as the PS2 Baldur's Gate series?-A: Definitely. The consensus says CoN is the best game in the genre(action, hack and slash RPG) so far.Q: Should I get CoN, if I already have RtA?-A: They are very similar games. CoN costs less and is easier, so itis up to you.Q: I heard there are a lot of glitches in CoN. Big deal?-A: Potentially, yes.

However, most glitches can be prevented by properknowledge. Please refer to section 5.1.In some cases, the :glitches; are actually functional game aspects,just the users do not understand the rules behind.

Perhaps some don'tread the manual; perhaps the manual does not explain anything. Hopefully,this FAQ clarify most of the troubles.Q: Does the game freeze badly?-A: Many players have experienced freezing. Some remedy the problem byejecting the disc, put it back in the PS2, and wait for the reload.In my case, through 100+ hours of gameplay, my CoN crashed twice whileloading, but I couldn・t recover using the above method.Q: I hate complicated RPG. Is CoN hard to learn?-A: Not at all. CoN is more of an action game than an RPG.

Enjoy thehack and slash!Q: How long does it take to finish the game?-A: For the first run from Act 1-5, it approximately take 20+ hours.10-15 hours if you are already experienced, and are willing to skipoptional areas/enemies.Q: Does the game support multi-player?-A: Yes. Up to 4 players, both online and offline.Q: I wish to know more about the game.

Where should I go?-A: The offical site.Online Aspects-Q: Is CoN free online?-A: Yes.Q: How many people are playing CoN online?-A: At the time of this FAQ, there are about 10 people in the lobbyeverytime I log in. I have no trouble finding teammates if I host agame, but I usually can't find a game suitable for my character to join.Q: How does the online mode work?-A: CoN is not the 'EverQuest' type of online game, where many, manypeople wander around and chat. The online mode of CoN is more like ahosted single-player game, where a few guests join in to advance therather-linear plot together.Q: Is the online mode fun?-A: Definitely, especially when you get good teammates. However, sincethe game is not very new, quality online games are usually pre-arrangedthrough popular forums such as the Gamefaqs and SONY's official CoNforum.Can I go online with 2 players sharing the same PS2?-A: Nope. Only one player goes online.Q: Is there a way to chat in the lobby?-A: Unfortunately, no.Q: What do I need to play online?-A: Just the PS2 network adaptor. You can buy the PS2 network adaptorfrom any store that sells PS2 console.

The new, slim PS2 console comeswith a built-in network adaptor.A broad-band network speed is recommended. I don't know whether dial-upwill work.Q: I cannot setup a PS2 network.-A: You might want to contact Sony directly. Their customer support ison even over the weekend.1-800-345-SONY (7669)Monday through Saturday, 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM PSTSunday 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM PSTQ: Is this game newbie friendly?-A: It really depends on your teammate and your attitude. Since thisgame is very easy to learn, probably nobody will notice you are a newbie.Q: How do I communicate online?-A: With a PS2 USB headset or USB keyboard. I heard that any USB keyboardwill work.

It is also possible to communicate through other means, suchas MSN messenger.Q: I see Lv 50+ characters in CoN online, not RtA. Super mario world emulator. How?-A: I have no idea. Perhaps by a gameshark code?Q: Why are people saying '.' Over their head?-A: They are just busy in the menu, or are saving their games.

When youpress 'select', the others will also see '.' On your head.Q: What happens when I die online?-A: Your partner can walk to a save point and you can be revivedautomatically. If the entire party is killed, then similar to an offlinegame, all players will start over from the latest save check point.Q: Any special regulations (such as cheating) for online plays?-A: CoN is pretty loose on cheating control. While people generallydespise cheaters, it is upon negociation with your partner.Q: Any other rules different from single player offline games?-A: Time is never paused in online sessions. You can be attacked whenyou are accessing your menu, or saving your game.2.

Character FAQs-2.1 ClassWarrior, Ranger, Cleric, Wizard & Shadow Knight-Q: Hello, I am a newbie. Which class is the best for newbies?-A: Same as all other RPGS, the (barbarian) warrior is the simplest.Yet since the game is rather simple, none of the classes are too hardfor a newbie.Q: Which class is the most powerful?-A: The consensus is the barbarian warrior. The ranger also deliversgreat damages. The wizard is powerful in tight dungeons, facing swarmsof enemies, but a little inefficient on bosses.Q: Which class is the weakest?-A: The consensus is the shadow knight, who is a jack of all trades.All small wizards are very weak. Wizards during boss fights might alsofeel powerless due to their low damage output rate.

Nothing to worry,with a little patience and knowledge (by reading the enemy FAQs, section4), you can solo through the most difficult level with any class.Q: Which class combination is good for multi-player game?-A: A poor MP game happens when someone feels left-out, under-powered,and therefore useless. It happens frequently with the wizard users.Most MP games take place in low levels, where wizard struggles morethan other classes with its low damage output and HP. Also, a wizardworks rather independent of equipment. Wizard's feeling of uselessnessis especially strong when accompanied by warriors or rangers with niceequipment. If the warrior and ranger owns crappy equipment, then thegame should be more balanced.All other combinations should work well. Wizard-wizard might be veryinteresting and skill-dependent.Q: Is there any unlockable character?-A: I have never heard of any.-2.2 AttributeStrength, Intelligence, Dexerity, Stamina-Q: Where should I put my attribute points? I am a (class name).-A: So far, the consensus is:Barbarian, Cleric, Shadow Knight: All into STRRanger: All into DEXWizard: All into INTFeel free to distribute your points otherwise.

They only make adifference at very low levels.

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