Ultratron Avengers Endgame

Avengers A.I. Was an ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics that was released in July 2013, as part of the company's Marvel NOW! The series takes place after the events of Age of Ultron, where the world has been colonized by A.I.s 'who may or may not have positive feelings about the way humanity has been treating them for the past 100 years.'

. $444–495.2 million (gross). $365.5 million (net)Box office$1.403 billionAvengers: Age of Ultron is a 2015 American based on the superhero team the, produced by and distributed. It is the sequel to (2012) and in the (MCU).

The film was written and directed by and features an that includes,. In the film, the Avengers fight, an obsessed with causing.The sequel was announced in May 2012 after the successful release of The Avengers, with Whedon set to return as writer and director in August. Whedon updated Ultron's origin for the film to involve the MCU's Avengers team, and introduced the characters and who Marvel shared the rights to with.

Casting began in June 2013 with the re-signing of Downey. Filming began in February 2014 in with taking place between March and August, primarily at in,. Additional footage was filmed in, and around England.

With an estimated net production budget of $365 million, it is the.Avengers: Age of Ultron premiered in Los Angeles on April 13, 2015, and was released in the United States on May 1, 2015, as part of of the MCU. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed over $1.4 billion worldwide, becoming the as well as the at the time. Two sequels, and, were released in April 2018 and April 2019, respectively. Contents.PlotIn the country of Sokovia, the —, and —raid a facility commanded by Baron, who has been experimenting on humans using the scepter previously wielded.

They encounter two of Strucker's test subjects—twins, who has superhuman speed, and, who has telepathic and telekinetic abilities—and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter.Stark and Banner discover an within the, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's ' global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I. And attacks the Avengers at. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons, and goes to the base of arms dealer in to obtain. The Avengers attack Ultron and the Maximoffs, but Wanda subdues them with haunting visions, causing Banner to turn into the Hulk and rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.A worldwide backlash over the resulting destruction, and the fears Wanda's hallucinations incited, send the team into hiding at a safe house. Thor departs to consult with Dr.

On the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination, while arrives and encourages the team to form a plan to stop Ultron. In, Ultron uses Loki's scepter to enslave the team's friend Dr. They use her synthetic-tissue technology, vibranium, and the scepter's gem to craft a new body. As Ultron uploads himself into the body, Wanda is able to read his mind; discovering his plan for human extinction, the Maximoffs turn against Ultron.

Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff.The Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark and Banner secretly upload J.A.R.V.I.S.—who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet—into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining based on his vision that the gem on its brow is the Mind Stone, one of the six, the most powerful objects in existence. This ' and the Maximoffs accompany the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who awakens the Hulk for the battle. The Avengers fight Ultron's army while Fury arrives in a with, and agents to evacuate civilians.

Pietro dies when he shields Barton from gunfire, and a vengeful Wanda abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body, which allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in a, while Vision confronts and seemingly destroys Ultron's last remaining body.Later, with the Avengers having established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig, Thor returns to to learn more about the forces he suspects have manipulated recent events.

As Stark leaves and Barton retires, Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train new Avengers: Rhodes, Vision, and Wanda.In a, dissatisfied by the failures of his pawns, dons a gauntlet and vows to retrieve the Infinity Stones himself.Cast. 'I have to make my movie assuming that people will only have seen the first one, or possibly not even seen the first one. I can't assume that everybody went to see, and in-between. I have to go from one movie to the next and be true to what's happened, but not be slavish to it. The model I'm always trying to build from, my guiding star, is where a ton has happened in-between and it's a very different movie from , but you don't need any information: it's there in the film.' —Joss Whedon, director of Avengers: Age of Ultron, on balancing the film's accessibility and continuity.In October 2011, president of said the studio was beginning to look at their films, which would start with Iron Man 3 and would culminate in a second Avengers film.

In March 2012, director of, stated that he would want a sequel to be 'smaller. More personal. More painful. By being the next thing that should happen to these characters, and not just a rehash of what seemed to work the first time.

By having a theme that is completely fresh and organic to itself.' Despite the production of the film becoming increasingly wider in scope, Feige maintained that this was not their intention, always looking to see where the team wanted to take the characters, over how to make it bigger than The Avengers.At the premiere of The Avengers, Feige said the studio had an for Whedon to return as director. In May 2012, after the successful release of the first film, CEO announced a sequel was in development. Most of the film's cast members were under contract to potentially appear in the sequel; however, was not, as his four-picture deal with Marvel expired after Iron Man 3.At the 2012, Whedon said he was undecided about directing. However, in August 2012, Iger announced that Whedon would return to write and direct the sequel and develop the Marvel television series, for. Later in the month, Disney set a May 1, 2015, release date. When asked about his decision to return, Whedon said, ' Avengers 2, it wasn't a tough decision.

For a long time I thought, 'Well, it's just not going to happen.' Then when I actually started to consider it, it became so clear that I desperately wanted to say more about these characters, it would've been an easy no and it was a spectacularly easy yes. There was no wrestling.' Whedon said that they intended for the film's production to not be as rushed as the first one.In December 2012, Whedon stated that he had completed an outline for the film. In February, at the 2013, Whedon said that death would play a theme in the sequel, and in March, he said that he looked to and The Godfather Part II as inspirations.Feige revealed that, who starred in her, appeared in an early draft of the screenplay, but was removed since the character had not yet been cast, saying, 'It didn't feel like the time.

We didn't want to introduce her fully formed flying in a costume before you knew who she was or how she came to be.' Whedon went so far as to shoot visual effects plates for Captain Marvel to fly into Avengers Headquarters at the end of the film; those shots were reused, however, for Scarlet Witch instead. Feige also revealed that an early draft of the script had Hulk's Quinjet detected near Saturn at the end of the film, but it was finally decided to keep it Earth-based and leave his fate ambiguous in order to dispel rumors that a film based on the ' comic storyline was in development, which Marvel Studios had no plans to adapt at the time.

Marvel would later decide to adapt 'Planet Hulk' for the film, in which the Hulk does end up leaving Earth. Pre-productionBy April 2013, filming was scheduled to begin in early 2014 at in. At the Hollywood premiere of Iron Man 3, Whedon said that he had completed a draft of the script, started the process, and met with actors. Whedon also mentioned that he wrote with Downey in mind and included a 'brother/sister act' from the comic books, later confirming that he was referring to. Whedon explained his rationale for including the characters in the film saying, 'their powers are very visually interesting.

One of the problems I had on the first one was everybody basically had punchy powers Quicksilver's got super speed. Scarlet Witch can weave spells and a little telekinesis, get inside your head. There's good stuff that they can do that will help sort of keep it fresh,' though cautioned he was not throwing in more characters for the sake of doing that. Whedon stated that the twins allowed him to add more conflict: 'They don't like America, and they don't like the Avengers The Avengers are like a world power, and not everybody's on board with the Avengers coming in and starting fights, even in the name of justice. So you need that dissenting voice, and you need to understand it and sympathize with it.'

Because Marvel Studios shares the film rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with and had to avoid conflict with Fox's, Whedon introduced two important characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe completely on his terms for the first time, which allowed him to connect their origin stories to the universe that they created and avoid the concept of. Whedon relished at the storytelling opportunities by introducing a character with telepathic powers, explaining, 'it meant we could spend a little time inside the Avengers' heads—either their past or their impressions of what's going on, or their fears, or all of the above.' By May, Downey had entered negotiations to extend his contract with Marvel Studios and reprise his role as Iron Man in the film.

A month later, Downey signed on to return for the then-untitled Avengers sequel, as well as a third Avengers film. Whedon promoting the film at the 2013At the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, Whedon announced the film would be subtitled Age of Ultron. Despite the subtitle, the film is not based on the 2013 comic book miniseries. Feige explained that they simply liked the title Age of Ultron but the plot was taken from decades of Avengers story arcs. Whedon added that Ultron's origin would differ from his comics roots, and that would not be involved with Ultron's creation.

Whedon disclosed that had rights to the character first through his inclusion in, which was already in development. He also thought that Ultron needed to be conceived through the Avengers and since they already had Tony Stark and Bruce Banner on the team, it would not make sense to bring in a third scientist. Whedon also said the film would have a darker tone due to Ultron's involvement.The title of the film came as a surprise to many fans who were expecting, the mastermind behind the events of the first film, to be the main villain in the sequel, with Whedon saying, 'Thanos was never meant to be the next villain. He's always been the overlord of villainy and darkness.' Commenting on finding the right balance between technology- and fantasy-based heroes in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Feige said 'Iron Man is a very technological hero; his movies are always technologically based. The first was all about introducing and Thor in that more fantastical realm into the more reality-based MCU As we go into Ultron clearly he does come out of technology, but we're using all of our tools at our disposal that we've established so far as part of the MCU to build the storyline of Age of Ultron.' Casting continued into August 2013, with the announcement that would play Ultron.

In November, Marvel confirmed that and would play the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, respectively. Taylor-Johnson had been in negotiations since as early as June, while Olsen's potential involvement was first reported in August. By the end of the year, and were confirmed to be returning to their roles from the first film, and, who portrayed in the Iron Man films, had committed to a part in the film. In the early months of 2014, was cast as Baron, was cast in an unspecified role, and, who voiced in previous MCU films, was cast as the Vision. Whedon said 'juggling' all the characters in the film was 'a nightmare' explaining, 'They're very disparate characters. The joy of the Avengers is they really don't belong in the same room. It's not like the, who are all tortured by the same thing and have similar costumes.


These guys are just all over the place. And so it's tough. Honestly, this is as tough as anything I've ever done.' On January 24, 2014, the Forte di Bard Association announced that filming would take place at in the region of in March 2014, as well as other locations in Aosta Valley including,. The next month, the Gauteng Film Commission announced that action sequences would be filmed in, and other locations in, beginning in mid-February.

A few weeks later Marvel announced that portions of the film would be shot in. Feige cited the nation's 'cutting-edge technology, beautiful landscapes and spectacular architecture' as ideal for the film. The nation's capital, and Seoul's surrounding province, were selected as filming locations, with South Korea's reimbursing up to 30% of the studio's expenditures, as part of a state-funded incentive program.

Members of the Korea Film Commission and executives from Marvel Studios signing a in Seoul in March 2014 with actress (center) in attendanceFilming began on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, in Johannesburg, South Africa, having been postponed that Monday. Crews shot action sequences without the main cast, to be used as background plates for scenes featuring the Hulk, in the for a period of two weeks. By mid-March, had begun at Shepperton Studios near London and was scheduled to film there for at least four months, under the After Party. Filming at Shepperton as well as other locations in England allowed Whedon to get a 'number of different looks and textures and moods' to give the film a different palette and fresh aesthetic from its predecessor. Production designer Charles Wood built an enormous, new set, one of the largest sets ever built for a Marvel film. The set featured multiple connected environments and levels. On March 22, production moved to Fort Bard, Italy and continued in the Aosta Valley region through March 28.

The region doubled as the fictional Eastern European nation of Sokovia, with crews replacing local storefronts with. Filming in South Korea began on March 30 on the, and continued through April 14 at various locations in Seoul. While in Seoul, the production was able to attach cameras to drones and race cars to get unique camera angles and footage. An artificial island on the known as the served as the headquarters of an institute featured in the film. Scenes involving Ultron's attack on parts of the city were shot in the.In April, shooting began in in, England, and, who played in previous MCU films, filmed scenes inside the in London while extras performed the.

That June, scenes were shot at the in and at in, with Dover Castle used for interior shots of Strucker's Hydra base in Sokovia. The next month, filming took place at a for London's, which doubled as a city in Sokovia. Additional filming took place in, including the, and in. On August 6, Whedon announced on social media that he had completed principal photography on Avengers: Age of Ultron. Disney spent $330.6 million on Avengers: Age of Ultron from February 2013 to November 2014, but $50.7 million of this was offset by payments from the UK tax authority. A report on actual production costs for films from FilmL.A.

Inc., indicated a gross budget of $444 million, with a net of $365 million for Avengers: Age of Ultron. This makes the film the.Cinematographer, who also worked with Marvel on, shot the film with a main unit of three cameras. Davis said, 'Although the Alexa was Marvel's preferred camera, we weren't locked into that choice from the start. What wasn't negotiable was the fact that we were shooting digital: that's how Marvel shoots all of its films.' Davis also used 's to meet the needs of the second unit kit explaining, 'The second unit typically needs a fleet of smaller cameras that are less expensive and are rugged enough to handle the various trials by fire, as it were, that we throw at them.'

About the camera system, Whedon stated that this film was shot very differently from the first one; using lots of long lenses, and that he aimed to shoot the film almost like a documentary. To create the scenes depicting how Quicksilver views the world, scenes were shot with an ultra-high-speed camera and later combined with shots of Taylor-Johnson moving through the same scene at normal speed. The original shot (top) of the new Avengers training facility and the completed shot (bottom) with CG interiors added byIn June 2014, the announced that the IMAX release of the film would be converted to. Following the completion of principal photography several more cast members were revealed including, and, reprising their roles from previous MCU films. However, Hiddleston's scenes did not make the theatrical cut of the film, with Whedon saying what was shot 'didn't play' and he did not want the film to feel 'overstuffed'. According to Hiddleston, 'In, audiences had overemphasized Loki's role, so they thought that because I was in it, I was controlling Ultron, and it was actually imbalancing people's expectations.' Whedon later explained that Elba and Atwell appear in the film because of exploring the psyches of the Avengers from Scarlet Witch's power.

In December 2014, Kim's role was revealed as Dr. Additional scenes were scheduled to be filmed in January 2015 at. In February 2015, Marvel confirmed through promotional material that Serkis portrays in the film. In early April 2015, and were confirmed to be part of the film's cast. At the same time, Whedon stated that the film would not contain a, which had become customary for MCU films. Whedon tried to come up with a post-credit scene but felt that he could not top the 'Shawarma scene' in The Avengers, explaining, 'It didn't seem to lend itself in the same way, and we wanted to be true to what felt right.

The first rule of making a sequel is take the best moments and do something else. Don't do the gun trick again differently.

Just go somewhere else. Don't try to hit the same highs, because people will sense it.' However, Feige clarified, 'There will be a tag shortly after the credits start. But there's not a post– post–credit scene.' In May 2015, Whedon revealed he was in conflict with Marvel executives and the film's editors about certain scenes in the film. The executives were not 'thrilled' with the scenes at Hawkeye's farm or the dream sequences the Avengers experience because of Scarlet Witch. Also, Whedon had originally shot a much longer scene with Thor and Selvig in the cave but the final version is shorter as test audiences did not respond well to the original cut.

In the scene, Thor would be possessed by a Norn, a goddess of destiny, while Selvig would quiz her about Thor's hallucination. Additionally, Whedon reiterated he had wanted to include Captain Marvel and at the end, but deals for each character (signing of an actress and a deal with, respectively) were not completed in time for their inclusion.The film contains 3,000 visual effects shots, completed by ten different visual effects studios, including (ILM), Trixter, Lola VFX, Territory, Perception, and The Third Floor. ILM opened a facility in London, citing Avengers: Age of Ultron as a catalyst for the expansion, and developed a new system for the film called Muse, which can better capture an actor's performance and combine different takes.

About the motion capture process, Ruffalo called it 'more of a collaboration' since the technology is advancing, with 'the face capture and the motion capture can now being put together, allowing you to get a lot more latitude as a performer you're no longer constricted by the attributes that you have as a person: your age, or weight, or size. None of that matters anymore.

And so there's this whole exciting place to go that is kind of unknown.' Visual effects supervisor said that the visual effects team considered depicting the Hulk when manipulated by Wanda Maximoff as being grey skinned with red eyes, but eventually decided against it, as they did not want to confuse audiences who might associate it with 'Joe Fixit', the grey Hulk from the comics.Method Studios created the interior of the new Avengers training facility by digitally designing the training facility, extracting the characters from the original set and placing them into the new CG environment. Method also contributed to Iron Man's new Mark 45 suit and played a key role in creating Scarlet Witch's CG mind control effect. Following the trend in recent years, most of the computer screens in Stark's lab, Dr Cho's laboratory, the Quinjet and other locations in the film were not added in post-production but were actually working screens on set, adding to the realism of the film and saving some on the post-production budget. London-based delivered the screen visuals filled with unique imagery and animations that matched the character using them. Perception worked on the main-on-end and main titles for the film.

Before settling on the marble monument depiction for the main-on-end titles, Perception created three other versions, which were based on Ultron's hive mind ability from the film, 'renderings of power and pure energy' inspired by classic comic panels, and classic moments for each character. Goodgame disco cheats. The final design was inspired by war monuments such as the. For the main titles, Marvel wanted the typeface to be a direct continuation of the first film. Perception made the typeface a marble texture to mimic the main-on-end titles and changed the title's rotation (away from the camera instead of towards the camera in The Avengers), before 'Age of Ultron' overtakes 'Avengers' in a vibranium texture.

Main article:In March 2014, signed on to compose the, replacing the composer for the first film, while also marking his third film collaboration with Marvel following Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World in 2013. Tyler stated that the score pays homage to ' scores for, and and references the scores for the Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America films in order to create a similar musical universe, saying, 'That's the goal for sure. You have to build in nostalgia and do it upfront so you can relate to it.' Also contributed music to the score, using Silvestri's theme from the first film to create a new hybrid theme. Released the album digitally on April 28, 2015, and in physical formats on May 19. Marketing PromotionAt the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, Whedon introduced a for the film, which included a look at an Ultron helmet and a title treatment.

Footage of the teaser, as well as a brief interview with Whedon, was made available as part of Iron Man 3 's second screen companion app for its release on September 24, 2013. On March 18, 2014, ABC aired a one-hour titled, which included a sneak peek of Avengers: Age of Ultron. The special debuted concept art for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, as well as art of the Hulk fighting the ' Iron Man suit. Partnered with Marvel to provide their first electric motorcycle, Project LiveWire, for use by Black Widow in the film. As with previous films, provided several vehicles for the Age of Ultron and commercials promoting these vehicles. At the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, the cast was introduced to promote the film, along with screening footage from the film. Avengers: Age of Ultron received the second most mentions at the convention, following, but had a higher intend-to-see response.

External video The use of the song ' from (1940) was lauded by critics.The first trailer was scheduled to premiere during the airing of an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. On October 28, 2014. However, on October 22, the trailer leaked online, and within a few hours Marvel officially released the trailer on. And noted the effective use of the song ' from (1940) in the trailer. Scott Mendelson of felt the trailer was 'such a textbook 'dark sequel' trailer that it borders on parody' but said, 'it's a pretty spectacular piece of marketing, one that elevates itself both by the music choices and by James Spader's vocals as the title villain'.

The trailer received 34.3 million global, 26.2 million from Marvel's YouTube channel, which broke the previous record held by Iron Man 3 with 23.14 million views. In comparison, the original Avengers teaser received 20.4 million views in 24 hours after its debut. In response, Marvel agreed to air footage from Age of Ultron during the episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. That was originally scheduled to premiere the trailer. At the end of October, Marvel Comic's Editor-in-Chief stated there were comic tie-in plans for the film.In November 2014, ABC aired another one-hour television special titled, which featured behind the scenes footage of Age of Ultron. Also in November, an extended trailer debuted on 's YouTube channel, featuring product placement for various Samsung devices.

In December 2014, additional behind the scenes footage was released as a special feature on the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray, highlighting the various filming locations for the film. Also in the month, ABC announced that an episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Would tie-in to the events of the film. The episodes ' and ' feature 'Easter eggs, plot threads and other connective tissue leading into the opening scene of Avengers: Age of Ultron' while ' explores the aftermath of the film.In January 2015, a featurette focusing on Ultron was shown at 's 'Night With Marvel' event at the 2015 (CES).

Also at CES, Samsung revealed a selection of hardware inspired by the Avengers films, as well as a simulation of Avengers Tower via its device. A second trailer premiered on on January 12, 2015 during the broadcast of the. Mendelson enjoyed the trailer, but wished it did not reveal as many story elements as it did. However, he added, 'the marketing thus far for the film has been far superior to much of what sold The Avengers three years ago, both in terms of the specific footage and the artistic choices being made I'm sold, and I imagine most of the general moviegoers are already onboard too.' On February 3, 2014, Marvel 'stealth released' a digital-only, Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude—This Scepter'd Isle. Written by Will Corona Pilgrim and illustrated by Wellinton Alves, it reveals how Strucker came into possession of Loki's scepter and the origin of the Maximoff twins' abilities.

At the end of the month, the film's official poster was revealed. Graeme McMillan of The Hollywood Reporter criticized it for its lack of originality, calling it 'pretty much the poster for the first Avengers movie, except with added flying robots in the background' and the fact that it incorporated many of the same tropes the other MCU Phase Two film posters did. These included the hero(es) staring off camera; destruction in the background as well as something occurring in the sky; and poor on the poster, highlighting the fact that each of the actors were obviously photographed separately and were later composited together into the poster. Mendelson agreed with many of McMillan's observations, and called the poster 'hilariously photoshopped'.The final trailer was 'unlocked' by fans on March 4, 2015, via the use of hashtags on Twitter, ahead of its broadcast debut during the series premiere of on March 5. Mendelson felt 'this was a fine final trailer, teasing what we already know, hinting at the scale and a few new action beats without telling us much we don't already know' adding, 'Here we have the fourth and final Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer and we don't know all that much about what transpires in a moment-to-moment sense in the finished 150-minute feature.

I have expressed my concern dating back to October that Marvel and Disney would release too many trailers and would by default give away too much plot and character information between October and May. But if this really is the final Avengers 2 trailer, then at least on the trailer front they have kept the film relatively unspoiled.' A week after the final trailer debuted, Marvel revealed that the trailer had 'smashed records' with over 35 million views.In April 2015, members of the cast presented Downey with the MTV Generation Award at the, along with debuting an exclusive clip from the film. On April 27, Downey and Renner along with executives from Marvel Entertainment rang the opening bell of the in celebration of the film's theatrical release. Disney spent a total of $26.9 million on television advertisements for the film, from an estimated total marketing budget of $180 million. MerchandiseIn January 2015, and announced a of the first film and Age of Ultron for release in late 2015 on a variety of video game consoles. In March 2015, Disney said it planned to broaden its merchandising strategy with Avengers: Age of Ultron by expanding the target demographics to women and to fans of the individual superheroes that make up the Avengers.

Paul Gitter, senior vice president of Marvel licensing for, said, 'For the first film, we primarily focused on the Avengers property and the group shots Now we're broadening the line and scope to create skews that focus on the team and the individuals characters, as well.' Disney Consumer Products partnered with, and for action figures, playsets and other toys, and with for apparel. Disney established new partnerships in the food and packaged-goods categories, including with, Crunchpak. 's consumer products partnered with 50 brands to promote the film in India, considered the highest ever for any film—Hollywood or Bollywood—released in India (the previous record held by had 25 partners). Some of the brands include, toy retailer India, online fashion store, and restaurants among others. Release Theatrical.

Renner arriving at the world premiere of Avengers: Age of UltronAvengers: Age of Ultron made its world premiere at the in Hollywood on April 13, 2015, and held its European premiere on April 21 at the in London. The film was released in 11 territories on April 22, with its release jumping to 55% of its international market (44 countries) by the end of its first weekend, before releasing on May 1 in the United States, in 3D and IMAX 3D. In the United States, the film opened in 4,276 theaters, including 2,761 3D theaters, 364 IMAX, 400 premium large format, and 143 theaters. Many independent theater owners in Germany (approximately 700 screens) boycotted the film in response to Disney raising its rental fee from 47.7% to 53% of ticket sales. The owners felt that the 'increased fees, coupled with the cost of digitization, and rising staff and marketing costs may force some of them out of business.'

Avengers: Age of Ultron is part of Phase Two of the MCU.In September 2014, acquired the US cable broadcast rights, for broadcast two years after its theatrical release. On March 4, 2015, ticket pre-sales for the film began. Noted, 'The two-month gap between advance sales and the release is much wider than normal and reflects the heavy fan anticipation' for the film. Home mediaAvengers: Age of Ultron was released by on on September 8, 2015, and on and on October 2, 2015.

The digital and Blu-ray releases include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes and a blooper reel. The film was also collected in a 13-disc, titled ', which includes all of the Phase Two films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was released on December 8, 2015. In July 2015, Whedon stated that he did not intend on releasing a of Avengers: Age of Ultron because despite the film's complexity, he was satisfied with the theatrical version and did not think it needed to be tweaked. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released the film on on August 14, 2018. Reception Box officeAvengers: Age of Ultron grossed $459 million in the United States and Canada and $943.8 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $1.403 billion.

It became the worldwide and the fourth-highest-grossing. Avengers: Age of Ultron 's worldwide opening of $392.5 million was the. The film set a worldwide IMAX opening-weekend record with $25.2 million (previously held by ) and also broke the record for the fastest movie to make over $40 million in IMAX theaters, doing so in 12 days.

According to some analysts, the opening weekend box office gross was lower than expected because of the weekend's featured between. Calculated the net profit of the film to be $382.32 million, when factoring together 'production budgets, P&A, talent participations and other costs, with box office grosses, and ancillary revenues from VOD to DVD and TV,' placing it fourth on their list of 2015's 'Most Valuable Blockbusters'.On May 15, 2015, Avengers: Age of Ultron became the twenty-first film in cinematic history, the third Marvel Studios film and the eighth film distributed by to cross the $1 billion threshold at the box office. United States and CanadaAvengers: Age of Ultron earned $84.46 million on its opening day, marking the biggest opening day for a superhero film and the second-biggest opening and second-biggest single-day gross, behind ($91.7 million).

The film's Friday gross included $27.6 million from Thursday night, which began at 7 p.m., and was the sixth-highest ever for Thursday preview earnings and the highest among Marvel films. The film totaled $191.3 million in its opening weekend, the third-highest gross behind ($208.8 million) and The Avengers ($207.4 million).

It also saw the second-highest IMAX opening weekend total with $18 million (behind The Dark Knight Rises), a record $13.5 million from premium large format theaters and the highest share for the first weekend in May, accounting for 85% of the top twelve box office total earnings (previously held by ). Of those in attendance the first weekend, 59% were male, 41% were female and 59% were over the age of 25.In its, the film fell 59%, earning $77.7 million, which was the second-biggest second weekend gross behind The Avengers ' $103 million (both were surpassed a month later by Jurassic World 's $106.6 million).

It holds the record for the second-biggest loss between first and second weekends with $113.6 million, only behind Deathly Hallows – Part 2 's $121 million loss between its first and second weekends in 2011. It became the third-highest-grossing film of 2015. Outside territoriesAvengers: Age of Ultron earned $200.2 million in its first weekend from 44 countries, opening in first in all, which was 44% above its predecessor's opening. Additionally, the film saw the largest non-China international IMAX opening with $10.4 million.

The top earning countries were South Korea ($28.2 million), the UK ($27.3 million) and Russia ($16.2 million). While the name of the anti-Hulk armor, usually referred to as the ' in comic books, is not spoken in the film, its deployment system and containment cell are code-named 'Veronica'. Director Joss Whedon said the name alludes to the character from: 'I just decided to call it Veronica because Bruce Banner used to be in love with a girl named and Veronica is the opposite of that,' making the connection to 's love interest,.

According to Kevin Feige, the Infinity Gauntlet seen at the end of the film is not the same as the one seen in 's vault in in. The Asgard Gauntlet is revealed to be a fake in.See also.References.

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