Scp Area 81

Item #: SCP-3876

Earth Rugs SCP-81 Pinecone Printed Slice 18' x 29'. About this item DetailsAbout this. Braided Jute Slice Half Moon Area Rug. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUR MOM NOOB.

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3876 is to be contained in a 5x5x5 concrete room. The room is to remain airtight; no vents or cracks at all. SCP-3876 is to be watched with line of sight via remote recording devices at ALL times from 12 A.M. to 6 A.M. Beyond that, no personnel are to interact with SCP-3876 until decisive action is taken to destroy it. Ventilation systems and other technological tools are to be checked every hour at least. Two (2) guards are to be stationed at all times at a spectator terminal linked to the containment site. Any hallucinations or extraordinary observances are to be reported via file to [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. Jackson Reverend. No access is to be granted to the room for anyone minus a class 3+ researcher in daylight. Before any conducted interviews, it is recommended to send two heavily armored MTF Task Force E-11s to chain down SCP-3876’s arms and legs tightly to prevent the subject from causing any physical harm to the interviewer and prevent it from escaping.

Decription: SCP-3876 an heavily damaged animatronic rabbit-like figure that stands approximately six (6) feet tall, discrediting ears. The subject has been known, in extremely rare occasions, to lift its upper jaw to reveal a decaying human corpse inside, a veritable mummy trapped inside of a spring-lock suit. It is known that the subject inside was identified to be ███████ █████, an infamous serial killer with a large amount of children victims. The subject was lost [DATA EXPUNGED] after hiding out in a local eatery that would later become the location of Recovery Site ██. It would be found thirty years later and transported to the Fazbear’s Fright as an attraction, but it was burned down burned down one night before opening (it is currently still unknown who was the culprit behind it).

Subject was found locked at an local auction along with a few other salvageable items that were able to survive the fire, including a “Foxy the Pirate” head. It is assumed that the subject entered the suit (based on rate of decay and current historical reckonings) several years after committing his final crime: the missing children incident (a murder of five children while wearing the Spring Bonnie suit to gain their trust), but died inside it in a spring-lock failure.

The current hypothesis as to what causes SCP-3876 to power on is a supernatural force possessing the medium (suit and body) via direct contact with the deceased. The same is assumed with other relevant SCPs also from Recovery Site ██ such as SCP-1987 and SCP-2015.

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SCP-3876 is known to cause hallucinogenic side effects appear in cameras and other recording devices, often resembling his victim’s mediums. Other SCPs related to these (see Addendum 3876-L) respond poorly to being submitted to these hallucinations. SCP-3876 will attempt to ‘finish his work’ if presented with a related SCP from the recovery site; the exception is SCP-2946, arguably the strangest SCP from Recovery Site [EXPUNGED]. When confronted, SCP-3876 will stalk its prey until they are caught off guard; with SCP-2946, SCP-3876 will attempt to flee from it, regardless of proximity, until SCP-2946 is returned to its containment site.

Eventually, later during its containment, SCP-3876 revealed its capability to human speech, surprising many to have thought it was incapable to speak (as what mostly came out of its mouth were zombie-like groaning and moaning). Besides it’s common hostile interactions to individuals, SCP-3876 seems to display an oddly calm sense of humor to the interviewers as well as some certain staff members and SCPs, demonstrating its ‘neutral’ side of who it was outside of the suit.

Addendum 3876.1

Photo of SCP-3876 during its ”reveal phase”.


Incident Report: SCP-3876-071 Excerpt

Victims: D-0977 (KIA), D-5610 (KIA), Agent Wash, Agent Marquis

Incident Description: Two SCP D-class personnel were detained several halls over from SCP-3876’s containment site. They soon managed to escape detainment, somehow steal a class 4 security key card and open SCP-3876’s door. Subjects were killed almost instantly by SCP-3876, who escaped his containment briefly. Both personnel manning the spectator terminal, Agents Wash and Marquis, were subjected to multiple shared hallucinations ranging from past memories to other SCPs from Recovery Site ██. SCP-3876 quickly negated much of their life support and attempted to assault them; auxiliary SCP Agents Dexter and Yuri quickly aided them in the recontainment of SCP-3876.

Addendum 3876.2

Photo of a rare capture what seems to be SCP-3876 walking through a forest fire, spread by the flames of Fazbear’s Fright. It was the shot of the recording found by SCP personal, with the rest of it remained lost to history.


Experiment Description: Ten (10) D-class personnel are to place all SCPs gathered at Recovery Site [EXPUNGED] in a large warehouse-esque space with SCP-3876. Reactions will be recorded via video recordings; D-class personnel are to evacuate immediately. This is to be done within half an hour of 12 A.M. No organisms besides the SCPs are to be allowed to enter the area.

Approved by Dr. Wesson, class [EXPUNGED] Researcher; Dr. Reverend, class 5 Researcher; Agent Burnley, class 4 Security

Results: D-class personnel were killed immediately before leaving the facility with the exception of D-5213. SCPs all attempted to scatter from SCP-3876, who pursued them. This continued until SCP-2946 exited his small containment unit and assaulted SCP-3876. This resulted in severe damage to SCP-3876, to the extent where the mission was to be aborted. SCP-3876 sustained massive wounds, including an arm being ripped out of its socket and massive burns to its face. SCP-3876 drew a picture the next day, the first attempt at communication we’ve ever had. It showed something that resembles SCP-2946 putting a suit (remarkably similar to the escaped SCP-2013) on a dead child. It said “JUST MEMORIES”. Picture appears to be created out of blood of the spirit of a certain Charlie Emily, aged 3, who ███████ █████ murdered her outside of an restaurant sometime in ████, marking her as one of his first victims.

KIA: D-8529, D-0174, D-6482, D-3785, D-2756, D-2867, D-6478, D-9452, D-1173

Addendum 3876.3: Observation Log.

An artist’s depiction of SCP-3876


Observational Log 3867.OL.1 SUMMARY

Preface: Subject was given large amounts of charcoal midday.

Observation Notes: Upon returning, Agents Wash and Maine saw the entirety of the walls, floor and ceiling of SCP-3867’s containment chamber covered with graffiti of the other SCPs from its recovery site, primarily SCP-2946. This includes SCP-3876 outside of its suit, a father of three children (who two of them died in incidents unintentionally involving [DATA REDACTED]), a founder of a Robotics company, killing children and, notably, the living SCP-3876 getting into the suit. At this point he is surrounded by what appear to be ‘ghosts’ forcing him into a corner. The premise behind many of these pictures is unclear; subject continues receiving blood from past possible victims in large amounts for painting purposes. It is unknown where this comes from.


-Dr. Reverend

Addendum 3876.4: Interview

Photo of a scene during SCP-3876’s interview recreated by an 3D artist.


Audio log from Interview-3876:

Interviewer: Dr. Jackson Reverend

Interviewed: SCP-3876



[████████ ████████ Time, Recovery Site ██]

Dr. Reverend: It’s been a year since you were contained, only a few containment breaches, and here you are being interviewed. How does that make you feel?

SCP-3876: Well, it’s been a long time since I last had a social interview, even I can’t even recall the last one, yet feelings bittersweet.. but fitting, especially trapped in a foundation like this..

Dr. Reverend: Right.. anyways, here’s some questions me and this Recovery Site have for you; Is it true you were that man responsible for the killing of many lives, including one set of five victims? If that’s true, then why?

SCP-3876: (Closes his eyes in silence, giggling manically) Congratulations, you’re looking right at him. (Opens his eyes) If you’re insane like me, you would’ve known the reasons..

Dr. Reverend: But- (Sighs) Just because your a killer who suffers from insanity, SCP-3876? Ok then, next question. Why do you have such hostility towards individuals of this facility, including other SCPs?

SCP-3876: (Slowly agitated) .. Because I’m a killer, duh? Here’s the question, why have annoying test subjects ruin your important family dinner when you can just kill them just because [DATA REDACTED]? Besides, there are times where I needed to be alone, and this foundation brings these “D-Boys” in these tests you preform to cheek my behavior and abilities. Humanity these days are so on trying to exploit new ways to play god. They should’ve stayed back, enjoying their lives as if it’s the 80s or 90s. Now next question, please?

Dr. Reverend: (Takes a moment to write down notes) Of course. Did you perhaps have a family, according to your paintings? If that’s true, how are they now?

SCP-3876: (Sighs uncomfortably) My family’s business shall not be a part of the foundation’s concerns in this interview, they’re mine. Moving on..

Dr. Reverend: Huh.. good point. Do you have any relationships with SCP-2946 and a few certain other SCPs in this facility like you? We believe you both have history together. Did you meet before your containment, or any part of your past? Would you like to see any of th-

SCP-3876: (Violently leans forward and its upper part of the suits upper head raises up, emitting a unsettling pixelated sound while its deteriorated eyes glow purple)

Intercom: Stand down. SCP-3876, or this interview is terminated! (A NTF points his weapon behind its head while scientist stood back, ready to fire if SCP-3876 remained aggressive)

SCP-3876:(Stands down with its upper part of its head dropping back down, laughing) S-S-Sorry for the “jumpscare.” I couldn’t r-resist on doing it. (Deep breath) I don’t think y-y-you appreciate the d-d-difficulties for me to speak, do you? Because let me tell you something; it hurts like a motherfucker.

Dr. Reverend: (Uncovers his ears after being forced to cover them) Alright then.. Do I need to repeat my latest question?

SCP-3876: Oh no, no, no! I’ve remembered it correctly! Yes, I did met them before. No, I don’t need to see them now, I don’t feel like visiting in these days. Now, I believe you missed asking my brief history. Wish for your old pal, ███████, to describe it, from ████ to now (It is assumed it’s easier for SCP-3876 to explain it from that year, and not five years before that)?

Dr. Reverend: Sure, I guess..

SCP-3876: Right, right.. I came back, I always come back. I killed those.. [DATA REDACTED] children. And then; one day.. those rusted buckets of bolts, they became possessed by the little brats. They came for me, they were hunting for me.. and so, I hid in one of those awful suits, but I didn’t know how to work the “damn thing”. The trap went off inside the suit, killing me instantly, and turning my sanctuary into an eternal.. tomb. However, while I’ll may have been monster in life, I became a literal nightmare.. in DEATH. Now, my name is no longer ███████ █████, nor would it actually be SCP-3876.. My name.. is Springtrap, and I am here.. to do the Devil’s work. (giggling)


(Springtrap belongs to Scott Cawthon, and the photos and artworks belong to their original owners, one of them made by Leda456)

About This GameAmidst the chaos of a disastrous mass containment failure at the supposed “master site” Site-02, you fight your way to the top alongside — and against — other players. From devious D-Class and cunning scientists to elite Mobile Task Force units (MTF), rebellious Chaos Insurgency (CI), and even the horrific SCP Entities, there are many key roles to play in this gruesome affair, so. How will you act amidst a containment breach?SCP: Secret Laboratory (SCP: SL) is a free-to-play multiplayer horror game heavily based on the SCP Foundation series and its expanded universe of monsters and paranormal phenomena.

The primary objective of the SCP Foundation (also “the Foundation”) is to safeguard the world from any and all entities, objects, or phenomena that are deemed potential threats to humanity, and thus to uphold the normalcy of the modern world. Recently, however, Chaos Insurgency forces have begun acting against the Foundation in pursuit of a future where humanity reigns supreme.The question is: What role will you play?. D-Class Personnel – Inmates kept within the bowels of the Foundation sites as lab rats; test subjects at the mercy of the Foundation’s cruel practices.

Escape from your confines and rebel against your imprisoners — by any means necessary. Foundation Scientists – Researchers, engineers, and division specialists; you must ensure your own survival until an MTF extracts you from the ensuing pandemonium. Use your wit — and access cards — to survive. But be wary of the Class-D scurrying beneath you; they’ll do anything to escape their confines. Nine-Tailed Fox Units – The first MTF units to respond to the emergency. Your mission: To extract valuable Foundation personnel and to, with the utmost vehemence, eliminate or re-contain any SCPs that have escaped.

Foundation Security – On-site security personnel charged with restoring order amidst the chaos. Evacuate Scientists, eliminate D-Class Personnel, re-contain escaped SCPs, and above all do whatever it takes to restore normalcy to your site. Chaos Insurgency – Once a mere splinter cell force and now a formidable military power, yet still but a shadow of their former Foundation employers. Your primary objective is to purge the facility of Foundation personnel and seize the “assets” that are deemed to serve the best interests of Delta Command, your elusive overseers.

SCP Entities – Typically hostile sentient beings of an anomalous nature, all of which are extremely different from one another. You are to consider yourself an enemy of all humans, and formidable ones at that. Do not accept any attempts to compromise — you are naught but death.With each match comes new experiences, thrills, and threats. You will battle for survival with every faction: SCP Entities rampaging on their path to escape, Chaos Insurgency sabotaging the Foundation, MTF and Security mobilizing to secure the facility, and armed Scientists and D-Class who refuse to take “no” for an answer.

Be prepared for anything.Rest assured, you will encounter many threats. Friends and foes alike will take up arms against you — you may be disintegrated by a tesla gate, or perhaps a hydrogen bomb lying right beneath your feet will begin its countdown to detonation.

There are many ways to die, yet in turn, many ways to survive such a hell.SCP: SL features a growing roster of SCPs that includes the following:. Playable SCPs.

SCP-049 – An archaic plague doctor with the sole intent of “curing” those ridden with the “pestilence”. Contact means death, but only momentarily; you may find that one of the side effects of the good doctor’s surgery is being denied such an easy end. SCP-079 – A sentient A.I. That has access to most of the facility's hardware and monitoring systems. With the facility under its control, beware the doors you lock tight for safety becoming the reason for your demise. And always remember: You never know who could be watching. SCP-096 – An extremely slender, frail-looking humanoid.

It hides its face for a reason. Simply peering at it will induce a state of unstoppable rage, in which it massacres anything around with its immense strength. Running is futile.

Don't even peek. SCP-106 – A humanoid composed of an anomalous jet-black substance. Contact means certain death, or supposedly an equivalent of such. Presume you’re never safe whilst 106 looms. SCP-173 – A mere concrete sculpture, upon first glance. On second glance, you’ll notice it’s somehow closer.

There is no third glance — you're dead by then. SCP-939 – A pack-dependent predator that intelligently mimics human voices to deceive and entrap its desired prey.

Remember who your allies are. Be wary of who you trust.

Don't fall for stray imitations, lest you’re repaid with a bite. Object SCPs. SCP-018 – A red 1969 Wham-O Super Ball that doubles its velocity with each rebound. Only aim towards targets authorized for immediate termination. SCP-207 – A bottle of cola, the contents of which offer radically increased motor functioning, for the mere cost of a completely devastated metabolism. You must ask yourself the question: Is momentary salvation worth the torturous death sure to follow?. SCP-268 – A tweed newsboy cap that makes the wearer invisible to the naked eye.

Don to avoid death or make a daring escape — the possibilities are endless, so long as you don’t draw unwanted attention. SCP-500 – A single red pill capable of instantaneously curing any affliction.

Such a wonder drug is irreplaceable — think carefully before use. SCP-914 – An anomalous machine that is capable of improving or degrading whatever contents are placed within — all at the whim of its user.Site-02 is an unforgiving place. Stay on your toes, follow protocol, survive or die for the cause, and remember We die in the dark so others may live in the light.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SCP: SL was initially based on the original single-player horror game SCP – Containment Breach (2012), by Undertow Games.

More recently, Northwood Studios deviated from SCP – Containment Breach, creating a unique setting and expanding lore, with an ultimate goal of presenting players with a complete and immersive game experience. The game is based on:SCP - Containment BreachContains content made by SCP Foundation ( ).This game is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit.This software includes third party libraries and solutions that are not licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International License. Please check license.txt file (in the root directory of game files) for more information.

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