Rpg Movie

A list of movies for RPG Geeks Kanye the Giant. Just a quick sketch from Key & Peele but it’s pretty damn funny. Another short film from some french canuck guys that is filthy but hilarious. Knights of Badassdom. Probably the most famous movies, starring Tyrion Lannister and Abed from.

Regarding the COV-19 virus and its effects:Things are frustrating, and confusing, and scary. People dream up conspiracy theories to help make sense of things. They're not helpful, though, and only serve to make the world more confusing and scarier.We're not going to have that here.

If there's new information to be shared, share it, but cite your information to a reputablesource. And we swear to God, if anyone comes in here and starts spouting off QAnon bullshit about COVID-19 or literally anything else, you are going to get permabanned so thoroughly that your grandchildren won't be allowed to post here. I kinda feel that there's no need to look further for an explanation than TFA did amazing because people were starved for new Star Wars, and then with each subsequent film more and more of us were sated. Sequels can sometimes do better than earlier movies because the franchise builds more fans via home video after the initial theatrical opening who then come out for the sequels. But that's not the case with Star Wars, which already has cultural saturation. No one skipped TFA and then came back around for TROS (except for a handful of people who were in a coma in late 2015 or something).

Star Wars could only ever lose fans who decided they had enough.I think very high quality or less divisive movies could never stop or reverse that attrition, only slow it. I really couldn't say, but given that TLJ and TROS still made a lot of money, I don't think it's fair to say that a theoretic optimal trilogy would have been even more profitable by a substantial margin. RoS will make around a billion dollars, which is both objectively a lot of money and also a significant dropoff from TLJ which was itself a major dropoff from TFA. Its not a Solo-style bomb, but it represents a worrying trajectory for Star Wars (and in direct contrast to the MCU, whose movies have grown more lucrative over time).

The sequel trilogy isn't a financial failure, but the overall tracking suggests Disney need to recalibrate going forward if they actually want to grow the brand. I kinda feel that there's no need to look further for an explanation than TFA did amazing because people were starved for new Star Wars, and then with each subsequent film more and more of us were sated. Sequels can sometimes do better than earlier movies because the franchise builds more fans via home video after the initial theatrical opening who then come out for the sequels. But that's not the case with Star Wars, which already has cultural saturation. No one skipped TFA and then came back around for TROS (except for a handful of people who were in a coma in late 2015 or something). Star Wars could only ever lose fans who decided they had enough.I think very high quality or less divisive movies could never stop or reverse that attrition, only slow it. I really couldn't say, but given that TLJ and TROS still made a lot of money, I don't think it's fair to say that a theoretic optimal trilogy would have been even more profitable by a substantial margin.

I do think TFA was likely to be the high point for ticket sales because of how long it has been and people seeing it multiple times, but after an expected dip in the second movie a continuous quality set of movies thay hit Star Wars specific themes would probably take off and surpass TFA within a few movies. An overall drop off trend has a lot more to do quality issues and lack of focus than people 'gettijg enough' Star Wars.Look at the Fast and Furious and Mission Impossible franchises. The both hit the notes of that specific franchise and are executed well enough to be reliable momeymakers. They are both action movies but very different ones that stick to specific themes.

As the first release of the decade and 2020, Screen Gems/Sony’s didn’t cut it, with an ‘F’ CinemaScore and an opening at the lower end of its industry projections of $11.3M — the lowest take ever in Sony’s reboots of the Japanese horror series, the 2004 Sarah Michelle Gellar version having a spectacular 3-day of $39.1M and the 2006 sequel opening to $20.8M. Unfortunately, another attempted wet blanket remake from the Sony library in the wake of last year’s Charlie’s Angels and Men in Black International. I hear from sources that The Grudge cost more than $10M, around $12M-$14M net, and at that level could lose money.Typically, there is a bit of discrepancy between CinemaScore and Comscore/Screen Engine PostTrak audience exits. But these two services agree with the latter, giving Grudge a 1/2 star.

Though Grudge previews were good at $1.8M, bringing the fans out, they hated it immediately, with a 1/2 star on Thursday night’s PostTrak. Friday turned in $5.3M and, as expected, it declined from there with a $3.8M Saturday, -28%.Why are audiences so ticked off at Grudge? Says RelishMix, who spotted negative chatter on social, “Fans of horror films are established as some of the most loyal and discussion prone of all genres – and The Grudge proves that sentiment, with fans comparing this version to early ones, both made in the U.S. But, even fans have issues with this latest version of the Grudge movies.

The consensus of fans and more casual moviegoers alike is how can another one of these films be made ‘so soon.’ It seems like there’s a limit in the audience’s mind for some film franchises – beloved as they are – that sometimes it’s just too soon for another entry. I mentioned it in the last thread, but all three star wars trilogies had the same trend of very high box office for the first one, significant drop off for the second, with the concluding one somewhere around the second (return had a lower take than empire, but revenge of the sith was up from attack of the clones, but still lower than phantom menace).Disney may be upset about how ep 9 is doing, and there's valid criticisms of how the trilogy played out. Wartune hall of heroes hack. But the box office seems to be running so far to be in line with how the Star Wars trilogies have all trended.

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Mastering the stamp and the color edition you can easily make tiles with parts moving, changing colors or any combination.

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