Elements Of Fiction


Elements Of Fiction.1.Elements of Fiction Click on the link above each finger to discover one of the five aspects of the elements of fiction. Then, in the Literary Terms section of your notebook, draw a hand and copy the definition at each digit of the hand. Click on the home icon on each page to return here. Click for Guidelines Plot Theme Setting Characterization Narration.Plot Simply put, plot is what happens in the story. Some call it the storyline. When doing an Elements of fiction hand, describe the plot in ten words or less without revealing the plot’s climax or resolution.Theme It’s the moral or main idea of the story.

The Elements of Fiction. Plot, Setting, Character, Conflict, Symbol, and Point of View are the main elements which fiction writers use to develop a story and its Theme. LITERATURE REVIEW: The Elements of Fiction True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. A short story is a long work of nonfiction. A short story can be read in one sitting, has one main plot and centers around a single conflict. A work of fiction is based on real people and real events.

Themes do not provide any plot developments and apply to many types of stories in almost any genre. When doing an elements of fiction hand, state the theme in five words or less. Often it can be stated in one word.Characterization The main character in a story is called the protagonist.

She or he is always involved in the main conflict and its resolution. The person opposing the protagonist is called the antagonist. When doing an Elements of Fiction hand, use the methods of characterization (flat, round, dynamic, or static) to describe the protagonists and antagonists in the story.

Click Here Click Here.Narration First Person Point of View: The narrator tells the story and is a character in the story. (Pronouns: I, me, us, we, our, etc.) Third Person Omniscient: The narrator is not a character in the story but can tell you the thoughts and actions of all characters at all times. (Pronouns: he, she, him, her, they, them, etc.) Third Person Limited: The narrator is not a character in the story but can tell you the thoughts and actions of a few key characters at all times. (Pronouns: he, she, him, her, they, them, etc.).Setting The setting provides us with the when and where the story took place.

In addition, the context or historical background in which the story is set provides us with additional plot information. When doing an Elements of Fiction Hand, use the three W’s of setting When = the timeframe, Where = place or location, and Why = the context in which the story is set.Guidelines When creating an Elements of Fiction Hand, please follow these guidelines Trace your hand or use a graphic on a blank piece of paper Be sure to label each digit with one of the elements of fiction Where needed, provide names of characters, places, dates, times, locations, etc. No lined paper: must be in color As always, be creative and try to do something original and unusual.Methods of Characterization On a new page in the “Literary Terms” section of your notebook, title it “Methods of Characterization” and copy the information from the following slides.Flat Characterization A character who has one or two sides, representing one or two traits—often a stereotype. Flat characters help move the plot along more quickly because the audience immediately understands what the character is about.

Example: Like a geeky science professor.Round Characterization A character who is complex and has many sides or traits with unpredictable behavior and a fully developed personality. Antagonists are usually a round characterization. Example: Like The Green Goblin (Norman Osborn).Dynamic Characterization A character who experiences an essential change in personality or attitude. Protagonists are almost always dynamic.

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Example: Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch.Static Characterization A character who does not change or develop beyond the way in which she or he is first presented. Example: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird.Types of Conflict In the Literary Terms section of your notebook, please copy the following information about the types of conflict that form the basis of plot.External Conflict There are three types of external conflict: character vs. Character; character vs. Society; and character vs.Character vs.

Character The protagonist in the story experiences conflict with others, especially the antagonist.Character vs. Society The protagonist in the story experiences conflict with society as a whole.Character vs. Nature The protagonist in the story experiences conflict with the elements of nature.Internal Conflict The protagonist in the story experiences conflict with her or his conscience. Cake mania 2 full version free download pc.

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